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Wire Fraud / Cyber Crime One Hour C.E.

Tuesday, Dec 15, 2020

9:45am – 11:00am

In the past 20 years, the Internet and Computer Technology

has transformed how we do business. Your Escrow Closings

routinely includes Bank Wires of Clients Funds as well as

Agent & Broker commissions. Criminals are shadowing your

Email and Smart phones as we speak! This one hour Class will

open your eyes!!  (Take if free if you do not need C.E.) You must

be aware of what can happen to you and your Client.

Cyber Crime effects everyone, don’t find out the hard way!!

*An enabled camera is required for Online Classes, if you are requesting CE credit.  This is to stay in compliance with attendance monitoring that TREC requires.

Event Location

Zoom Videoconference / Host Mission Title
Title Resources/TREC Provider # 0245
TREC Course # 37391

Event Fees

Zoom Class
$ 10.00