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A Dozen Common TREC Contract Problems

Wednesday, Jan 5, 2022

10:00am – 11:00am

Many of the “issues” REALTORS encounter after the Contract goes to the Title Company Do Not need to happen. In this course we will analyse the common contract problems that can arise when using TREC contract forms. The purpose is to help real estate agents be better informed of the effects of particular elections in our TREC forms and assist them in avoiding problems on future transactions.

Top Producers love this Class! *This One Hour C.E. course counts toward the new TREC requirement to complete 3 Hours of Contracts.*

Event Location

Zoom Class Hosted by Mission Title
for Connect Realty Statewide
TREC Provider # 0685, TREC Course # 40805, John Neely

Event Fees

Great Information & Power Point
$ 10.00