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Ginger Klaerner

Escrow Officer

  • 210-265-8206
  • Ginger Klaerner
  • My Team
  • NW San Antonio - Glenview Office
    114 W Glenview, 100
    San Antonio, TX 78228
  • VCard

When did you begin your career in the title or real estate industry and how did you get your start?

I began my career in the title industry in June of 1990. I had been working at an electronic company for 9 years and was looking for a change. I had a friend who was a Closer at that time and she told me about a Fee Attorney Office that needed an assistant. So off I went and started a new career. I had been working as an assistant for 6 years, when another Attorney approached me and made me an offer to come work for him as a Closer. So off again I went.

What is the most satisfying part of your role in the transaction process and what makes you stand out from others in your industry?

I think the most satisfying part of my job is when a difficult transaction closes that maybe another title company could not get closed or that I was not sure could close. I work closely with Examiners, Attorneys, Underwriters, Corporate support on getting these difficult transactions closed. I close several transactions that other companies can not close or prefer not to close, like Manufactured Homes and Wrap Around transactions. I have done trainings for Real Estate offices and for an Attorney who teaches Real Estate Classes at SAC on how to read HUD's and commitments. I feel that everyone should be able to live their dream of owning their own home and am proud to be a part of that dream. I love what I do for a living.

What factors from your past experience have contibuted the most to your current unique skill set?

I try to put myself on the other side of the transaction. Would I understand what I am being told. Years ago I asked a marketing person in the business, "How do you know what Closer would work best with the different agents?" They told me "the first thing I have to do is get to know all of my Closers so I know how they do their transactions, then once I meet with the Agents or Lenders I ask them how they would like their transactions handled. The Client may need someone who does more hand holding, someone may want explanations but not over detailed and someone may want to just get in and get out and do not want any explanation." I knew right away what type of Closer I was. I am the hand holding type of Closer.

When you're away from the busy Mission Title office, what are some of your favorite activities ?

The highlight of my eyes is my Grandaughter Hailey, who is 3 years old. She is always telling me "GiGi, your are my best friend", I love it. I married Greg in April, 1990 and we just celebrated 25 years of marriage. We have 2 beautiful daughters that are 21 (Shea) and 17 (Kara) who are always busy. They have both danced since they were very small in studio and both danced for all 4 of their High School years. I attend all of their dance activities either as a chaperone or a spectator. Anytime I think I am going to have a free weekend, one of them is always saying, "Mom" and needs something so off I go. I am also very involved in NIOSA and I run one of the 15 areas that make up NIOSA. Although the event is only 4 days, it is a years worth of meetings and preparation to get ready for it. As you can see I have a very busy home life too. Maybe next year when they are out of High School and both in College I may have some free time for myself...but really who am I kidding.


We don't like to brag about our fanatical service, but our clients do...

  • Emma Miller, Homeowner

    Ginger Klaerner

    Ginger and Wendy were so amazing with the sell of our home!! Thank you ladies!!

  • Steven A Rindorf, Gold Financial

    Ginger Klaerner

    Ginger Klaerner of the Mission Title Company on Glenview Drive, and I recently closed a very complicated “For Sale by Owner” (FSBO) transaction. To give som...

  • Rico Riojas, Realtor® - Crowned Eagle R...

    Ginger Klaerner

    Ginger Klaerner is my Go-To Escrow Officer when I have question about my next transaction that is not your everyday regular closing. From Divorces, Estate Sales...

  • Pamela Marie Green, Realtor® - Crow Rea...

    Ginger Klaerner

    I recommend Ginger Klaerner to every investor I meet. She goes above and beyond all expectations with professional, friendly, effective, personal, and timely at...

Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit. - Conrad Hilton