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Legal Update II CE Class

Wednesday, Jun 14, 2023

10:00am – 2:00pm

This is the latest version of the 2022-2023 Legal Update II class required by TREC

for all License Holders who are renewing their Texas Real Estate License every two years.

Contact Instructor John Neely if you are not sure how many hours you need to renew.

Cell # 210-865-1700.  (Call or Text!)

TREC C.E. Provider: #685 – Mission Title

TREC C.E. Course #42040     Four Hours C.E. Credit

*An enabled camera is required for online classes if you are requesting CE credit.  This is to stay in compliance with attendance monitoring that TREC requires.

Event Location

Zoom Class Hosted by Mission Title
TREC CE Provider # 685
TREC CE Course # 42040, Instructor John Neely, Please have a working camera & sound

Event Fees

Great Information and Power Point
$ 39.00