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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

Are you working hard for your real estate client — or just looking busy?

Most days, the work I do to earn a living doesn’t seem like work. I spend time driving, walking, writing and on social media. I meet with people; I tour houses with and without clients. I have lunch or coffee with people I enjoy spending time with and call it a meeting. Some of my […]

8 unavoidable truths about instant offer programs

We’re going to start off by apologizing. We’re sorry to the real estate agents, brokers and office managers we’ve angered already with the first two parts of this series. And we’re sorry to those of you who are just plain scared out of your minds by all this. We’re sorry. Now, get over it. Why? […]

How to beat big real estate teams and win listings as a solo agent

Want to win listings more often but aren’t sure how to beat the big real estate teams that dominate your local market? Although it may seem like you’re fighting a losing battle when competing with big teams, you actually have some unique advantages as a solo agent that you can leverage to come out ahead. […]

How to grow a real estate YouTube audience in 5 easy steps

Many real estate agents are seeing tremendous value gained by implementing video in their business. Much of that “video following” revolves around having an active YouTube channel, which makes sense as this medium of communication reaches more Americans (on mobile devices alone) than any TV network. Increasing interest in YouTube for real estate has prompted […]

8 skills real estate agents need to reassess to stay on top of their game

Disruptors are everywhere. Machine learning and artificial intelligence are examples of innovation that will supposedly make real estate agents as obsolete as travel agents. Stories of futuristic technology coupled with bold predictions of agents disappearing in 20, 10 or five years are enough to worry even the most entrenched agents. But regardless of the hype, […]

Should real estate agents agree to host FSBO open houses?

Selling privately can be tempting for entrepreneurial sellers who believe it takes little effort to offload their rapidly appreciating home, and FSBO sales are perhaps even more tempting in these low inventory conditions, with homes flying off the market like hotcakes. Even so, according to the National Association of Realtors’ (NAR) 2016 Profile of Home […]

Fannie Mae to ease lending standards: What’s that mean for homebuyers?

On July 29, Fannie Mae will activate an update to “Desktop Underwriter,” the software that analyzes borrower applications and grants approval — “DU” in shorthand spoken with reverence or disgust throughout the industry. This update will make it easier for us to approve loans. You can hear the music already. “Easier? These idiots should be […]

Why aren’t homebuilders building more homes?

Housing markets all across the U.S. are suffering from serious shortages of homes for sale, and this isn’t expected to change in the foreseeable future. When I think about inventory levels and the fact that demand is clearly outstripping supply, it makes me question why homebuilders aren’t stepping up to the plate to meet all […]

Department of Housing and Urban Development offering $2 billion in homeless assistance grants

Homelessness is a problem for any community — and the social and financial consequences that stem from a sizable homeless population can impact lifestyles, standards of living and home values. Well, here’s some good news: A program that provides funding to state and local governments through the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for […]

Roofstock’s neighborhood ratings measure real estate investment risk

Neighborhood ratings can be tricky. Can you reduce a neighborhood to a number? To what extent is quality of life subjective? Roofstock, a website that lets investors find and purchase tenant-occupied single-family rental homes online, has taken a focused approach to the undertaking: It’s scoring neighborhoods based on their estimated risk level for real estate […]

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