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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

Why the world needs bots — and humans, too

Bots — they’re everywhere. You can’t read anything without reading about the latest bot craze. But why now? Why are companies like CNN, Wall Street Journal and potentially Zillow investing in this tech, and what does any of it mean for you as a real estate agent or broker? To start, what exactly is a bot? A bot […]

Luxury listing: historic Lafayette house in Alexandria

This historic manor in Alexandria, Virginia, once hosted French General Marquis de Lafayette during his grand tour of America at the invitation of President James Monroe in 1824. Despite hundreds of years passing, the house has still kept its elegance, with double parlors, pine flooring and a spacious library on the upper level. PreviousNext jQuery(document).ready(function(){jQuery(“#ism-slideshow-1”).find(“.carousel-control”).css(“margin-top”,”-“+(jQuery(this).find(“.active .carousel-caption”).height()+25)+”px”);$(“#ism-slideshow-1”).on(“”, function […]

Freddie Mac releases San Francisco market indicator

Freddie Mac released it’s monthly Multi-Indicator Market Index (MiMi) last week, measuring housing activity on a national and state scale and providing relative data for the top 100 metro areas in the nation. MiMi ranks each state and city based on four indicators: purchase application rate, which is based solely on applications for single-family homes in the […]

4 WeChat insider tips to gain and convert Chinese clients

China gets criticized in the West for banning sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Google. What is often overlooked is that the country’s homegrown internet companies are often more popular, more profitable and more innovative than their counterparts in the U.S. While Statista reports that Twitter has 320 million users and Instagram 400 million, China’s […]

Why the world needs bots — and humans, too

Bots — they’re everywhere. You can’t read anything without reading about the latest bot craze. But why now? Why are companies like CNN, Wall Street Journal and potentially Zillow investing in this tech, and what does any of it mean for you as a real estate agent or broker? To start, what exactly is a bot? A bot […]

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