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ERA Express Sell designed to help agents win more listings

For over 40 years, real estate franchisor ERA has formally promised thousands of homeowners that it would buy their homes if the brokerage’s agents failed to sell the properties on the open market. But not once during the last 15 years or so has ERA had to bite the bullet, said ERA CEO Sue Yannaccone. […]

19+ real estate Snapchatters you can’t help but watch

Between the opportunities for authentic video, crazy filters, targeted geofilters — and now Snap Maps — Snapchat is where it’s at, just ask any millennial (or anyone trying to market to millennials). But the platform has grown beyond that niche usage among the most obvious demographic. Indeed, there are 3 billion snaps sent every day. In North […]

Why professional photography in real estate isn’t a ‘nice-to-have’ but a necessity

There are a lot of real estate agents who do not hire professional photographers. Peter Lorimer of PLG Estates doesn’t agree. Here are his thoughts on why you absolutely must use a professional photographer for your listing photos. Ten years ago, when the internet was just starting to be used in real estate, photographs didn’t […]

Behind the scenes of Lake Tahoe’s most expensive listing

Nestled in the cliffs of Lake Tahoe’s glistening north shore is Crystal Pointe, a 5.14-acre legacy estate boasting 16,232 square feet of living space that includes the main residence, beach house, guesthouse and caretaker’s apartment. This hillside haven is sprawled across 525 feet of Tahoe’s scenic lakefront and features two glass funiculars, eight bedrooms and […]

The real estate agent’s epic guide to Snapchat

Snapchat is often characterized as a social media platform. That’s sort of accurate — Snapchat is first and foremost a messaging platform like, Facebook Messenger or WeChat, that happens to have a very social component to it. The parent company, Snap, Inc. has defined itself as a camera business stating that it believes that “reinventing the […]

Crazy Sh*t In Real Estate: Chase the dog or show the house?

Reposted with permission — show notes and credits here. Chase after your seller’s dog running down the street, or show the home to potential buyers? No one really thinks they’ll ever have to make this choice with the exception of today’s guest, Chris Donaldson. Leigh Brown is a full-time residential Realtor, speaker, coach and smartass. […]

Inman announces another 12 sponsors for ICSF17

Tallahassee, Fla. (July 17, 2017) – Inman® announced 12 additional companies that will be sponsoring Inman Connect San Francisco, Aug. 7-11, 2017. Inman Connect is a week-long event that will drive more than 4,000 real estate professionals to suit up for change in the industry. Featuring critical, inspiring keynotes from Platon — world-renowned, award-winning photographer […]

Why we need to get over our instant offer outrage

After weeks of listening to the backlash against Zillow Instant Offers, we figured, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em! In this multi-part series, we’re going to unpack the realities of instant offer programs and show you all the opportunities you’re missing out on by getting swept up in the drama. If this is where […]

How real estate agents can dress for success in the summer

Summer is finally here after what seemed like an eternity of cold, but just like the median sale price of a Manhattan condo, temperatures are rising. Real estate agents all over the country are faced with the challenge of looking cool, calm and collected, even when feeling like we’re toeing the equator. So, what should […]

Chinese and Canadians are top foreign investors in U.S. real estate

Foreign buyers and recent immigrants have spent a record-breaking $150.3 billion on U.S. residential real estate, and that only accounts for purchases made from April 2016 to March 2017, according to the National Association of Realtors’ (NAR) 2017 Profile of International Activity in U.S. Residential Real Estate. This is a 49 percent year-over-year increase from […]

July 2017
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