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The Inman Files: Pocket listing + dual agency = home sale horror story

My new weekly email feature offers thoughts on the industry and more. Here’s last week’s if you missed it. Send me feedback at And if you would like this in your inbox every Friday, sign up here: (function() { var qs,js,q,s,d=document, gi=d.getElementById, ce=d.createElement, gt=d.getElementsByTagName, id=”typef_orm”, b=””; if(!,id)) {,”script”);; js.src=b+”embed.js”;,”script”)[0]; q.parentNode.insertBefore(js,q) } […]

The No. 1 driver of indie brokerage success

After losing out on an affluent listing, Ben Hirsh made lemonade by transforming his business into a media company. In the wake of shrinking office spaces, Chuck and Angela Fazio said “that’s not us” and poured $8 million into an exquisite 20,000 square-foot premises. Sean Becker offers continuing education classes in his area, offering up […]

Survey: How can buyer’s agents find success?

You might call buyer’s agents the unsung heroes of real estate. These scrappy, loyal and ever-so-patient confidantes guide clients through endless home tours and play family counselor during hectic bidding wars. Without the glory of a flashy listing, they navigate the home search jungle and ensure buyers have an adviser looking out for their best […]

Real estate market recap, July 10-14, 2017

Check Inman every day for the daily version of this market roundup. Day-by-day market activity: Friday, July 14 Mortgage Credit Availability Slightly Increases in June Source: Mortgage Bankers Association; Powered by Ellie Mae’s AllRegs Market Clarity Mortgage credit availability increased slightly in June according to the Mortgage Credit Availability Index (MCAI). Historical MCAI values were […]

The week in real estate industry deals: July 10-14, 2017

While real estate agents chase leads and close deals on houses, there’s another level of deal-making that takes place within the real estate industry: mergers, acquisitions, integrations and partnerships. We’ll be recapping every week’s noteworthy deals that didn’t make it into print (and some that did) for your perusal. We missed you last week! July […]

Generosity breeds loyalty: Meet the real estate agent whose clients come to her

Texas-based Woodlands Eco Realty broker-owner Priyanka Johri once stopped at a garage sale and started talking to the homeowners who lived there. They were moving to Chicago the next day, they said — yet for six months, their house had failed to sell. Johri asked to take a look at the home, explaining that she […]

Redfin partners with VC firms to diversify startup boards

If you’ve been paying any attention to the problems plaguing Uber, then you already know that the technology industry has a diversity problem — and that board members contribute to attitudes that permeate every company. In an effort to build the most diverse boards possible, Redfin is partnering with several venture-capital (VC) firms (DFJ, Greylock Partners, […]

Daily market update: July 13, 2017

We’ll add more market news briefs throughout the day. Check back to read the latest. Most recent market news Thursday, July 13 30-Year Fixed Mortgage Rates Remain Flat; Current Rate is 3.83 Percent, According to Zillow Mortgage Rate Ticker The 30-year fixed mortgage rate on Zillow Mortgages is currently 3.83 percent, unchanged from this time last week. […]

Could your favorite sitcom characters afford their rent in real life?

After so many years of watching Chandler and Joey, George and Kramer, Samantha and Charlotte and the rest of their gang live it up in the Big Apple, it’s hard not to image what life would be like if you had a pad of your own in the city that never sleeps. Apartments in Greenwich […]

Contactually revamps Android app — will users be pleased?

Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe. The most economically efficient way to improve any product is by listening to exactly what your customers want in a new version of it. This is the case with popular industry CRM Contactually. Contactually content strategist […]

July 2017
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