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How to speed up your new real estate career in a slow market

When the market slows what’s a new real estate agent to do? The answer is simple: Embrace the down time and revamp your career. This is the perfect time to optimize your efforts by planning, polishing your presentation tools and implementing systems. Here’s a list of the top nine activities new agents should focus on to […]

6 ways to find your footing in traumatic times

Hurricanes, floods, fires, the mass shooting in Las Vegas, rape and sexual abuse scandals in Hollywood, fears about a nuclear attack from North Korea — the horrific news keeps piling up with no apparent relief in sight. What steps can you take to find your footing in these turbulent times and to lend a hand […]

10 bad real estate descriptors (and their obviously better replacements)

Ever wondered how some real estate agents can craft property descriptions that hit home with buyers? How do they choose their words in a way that makes the ordinary sound enticing? It may not be as hard as you think. In fact, I’m going to share a simple secret. Those agents use words that toy […]

The top 7 ways real estate agents annoy clients

The last thing you want to do is upset your real estate clients. Satisfied clients refer more business your way, and happy clients go a long way in making your job more enjoyable. If you’ve ever sensed annoyance, anger or frustration in your client’s demeanor, you might be guilty of one of the following seven […]

New real estate course is all about artificial intelligence

Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe. Skyler360 was the first real estate software I came across leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) in any notable capacity. The software handles an array of lead outreach and qualification steps on behalf its users, letting agents know […]

The one app you need to help you sell to Chinese buyers

LOS ANGELES — The number of international buyers of U.S. properties has grown in recent years — up to a record 284,455 residences sold for $153 billion in total between March 2016 and 2017, according to a recent report from NAR. And the largest chunk of that spending came from Chinese buyers, who paid a whopping […]

Existing-home sales make surprise September rebound

After a summer full of setbacks, existing-home sales made forward progress in September, indicating that the temporary effects of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma are starting to pass. However, the long-term lack of housing supply means that the increase in sales activity remains modest and fragile for the time being. The National Association of Realtors’ (NAR) existing-home […]

Rising sea levels could submerge 1.9M homes by 2100

Zillow has tapped its rich database of properties to underscore the economic catastrophe in store if U.S. policymakers fail to address rising sea levels. As an effect of climate change, rising sea levels are already impacting coastal communities. The new Zillow report provides a window into a future in which unchecked global warming combines with […]

Property lost to California wildfires exceeds $1B

Dave Jones, California Insurance Commissioner California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones released preliminary data reflecting $1.045 billion in property losses as a result of the Northern California wildfires. The data was gathered by eight California insurers processing claims filed by tens of thousands of policyholders reporting the loss of commercial and residential structures, personal and commercial […]

Harvey Weinstein’s Hamptons estate vanishes from the market

As shamed Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein faces a barrage of sexual assault and rape allegations — from more than 40 women — his 9,000 square foot Hamptons mansion has been yanked from the market. The 50 Broadview Road home is located in Amagansett, New York. It was originally listed for $13.5 million in 2016, but […]

October 2017
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