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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

Do 3D home tours matter?

Although the overwhelming consensus is that the technology offers real benefits to agents, many users told Inman this week that it’s also limited by high costs, concerns about privacy and a rapidly evolving technology market. Source: click here

6 ways to build trust and boost sales with real estate data

By arming clients with facts upfront, you not only establish trust, but facilitate and expedite the decision-making process for your clients, which leads to increased sales. Here are six ways agents can employ real estate data and studies to build trust-based client relationships that grow your revenue stream. Source: click here

‘We’ll call you when we’re ready to buy’ and 9 other lies agents hear

A lie, no matter how seemingly small, can throw a huge wrench into the buying and selling process. Here are 10 common lies real estate agents hear all the time. Source: click here

Why we need to take agent safety seriously

Jay Thompson is a former brokerage owner who spent the past six years working for Zillow Group. He retired in August 2018 but can’t seem to leave the real estate industry behind. His weekly Inman column publishes every Wednesday. Last week, there was horrific news of yet another real estate professional being murdered while on […]

Michael Cohen, Trump’s ex-lawyer, sentenced to 3 years in prison

Michael Cohen, the lawyer who previously represented Donald Trump, was sentenced to three years in prison Wednesday for lying about the president’s real estate projects and for his role in a scandal that involved two women claiming they had affairs with the now chief executive. Cohen previously pleaded guilty to tax fraud, campaign finance violations, […]

The long, messy road to NAR’s costly breakup with Upstream

After reaching out to pilot brokerages and multiple listing services nationwide, it appears brokerages may not be using Upstream at all. Source: click here

Will Trump’s new housing finance director privatize Fannie and Freddie?

The Trump administration is preparing to nominate Mark Calabria to head the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the agency tasked with overseeing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Source: click here

Agent gets 7 years in prison for stealing $22M from clients

A real estate agent who stole more than $22 million from her clients over two years has been sentenced to more than seven years in prison, the Department of Justice announced this week. Emily Moerdermo Fu, a real estate agent and businesswoman in Atlanta, has been operating the company Capital Management since 2004. The Suwanee, Georgia-based firm […]

More than 75% of all homes will sell below asking price in 2019

More than three-quarters of all homes currently on the market will sell below asking in 2019, according to an analysis by Knock, the home-resale company. By looking at on-market listings and sales trends across the country, Knock determined that 62 percent of all homes sold below asking price in 2018, according to a national forecast […]

Why real estate agents turn to plastic surgery

For some real estate agents, the pressure to give off a flawless appearance leads to plastic surgery and costly, age-defying medical procedures. Source: click here

December 2018
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