Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe. A partnership between networking platform IdealEstate and brokerage lead-gen automation platform Inside Real Estate was announced Tuesday in a press release. As part of the partnership, IdealEstate is building a set of specialized features (on top of its existing offerings) specifically for customers of Inside Real Estate. New members build their network through invitation only, which increases exposure to their presence on the network, not unlike LinkedIn; and no one is allowed to advertise on IdealEstate. “People have locked on to the LinkedIn aspects of our network faster than we expected, so we’ve become a hotbed for referral-seekers,” IdealEstate founder Brody Saunders told me. Ned Stringham, CEO of Inside Real Estate, said in a statement, “Our customers will be able to easily and dramatically expand new deal recommendations from their community net…
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