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5 qualities of the most-referred real estate agents

For most real estate agents, referrals are the best way to generate new business. A warm referral not only puts you in contact with a prospect immediately, it also sets the stage for a more trusting mutual relationship.Advertising, networking and prospecting are all good ways to increase lead flow, but creating a relationship with a […]

Neither luxury nor total gut job: 4 ways to honor the in-between home

It’s no secret that the word luxury is egregiously overused in the real estate community. While the definition may vary from market to market, agents and marketing professionals use the term so loosely that it has become practically devoid of meaning. But no one seems to be discussing how the same can be said on […]

3 tips for mastering real estate farming with Facebook

Real estate farming with Facebook can be a great way to pull in new clients, but it isn’t as easy as some would have you believe. In fact, it can take months before your efforts on Facebook start to pay off. Regardless, when your client pool starts to grow without having to spend additional money […]

Attom rolls out lead service for companies targeting new homeowners or moving sellers

If you’re trying to find pre-mover or new homeowner leads — people who’ve sold a home and are moving out, or people who’ve just bought a home and are moving in — then you might be interested in a new lead product from Attom Data Solutions. If you’re a real estate agent looking for a particular […]

A young agent’s take on how to succeed in the real estate business

Realtor and marketing coordinator Jay Luebke didn’t waste any time getting his real estate license at the age of 18. Now that he has a few industry years under his belt, he shares how he got to this point and the key to getting clients to trust a young face with the heftiest financial transaction of […]

8 steps to separating ideal real estate clients from your worst nightmare

Have you ever wondered what it would take to have your real estate business filled with clients who appreciate you, are fun to work with and who regularly send you referrals? The process is much easier than you might think.You probably have heard of the Law of Attraction, but do you know how to apply […]

Will low inventory throttle buying season?

The adage is that for real estate the three most important words are location, location, location. Right now, the three most important words might be inventory, inventory, inventory. In the wake of the housing crisis, inventory has become an ongoing issue for a confluence of factors: Homeowners didn’t have a lot of equity, potential sellers […]

Revamped Reloladex to debut at NAR Midyear conference

Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe.Relola, the public networking platform that encourages agents to share listing and marketing insights with colleagues and home shoppers, is set to launch a major new feature.The company’s “Reloladex” is a service provider recommendation tool, or in […]

Daily market update: March 27, 2017

We’ll add more market news briefs throughout the day. Check back to read the latest. Freddie Mac’s Primary Mortgage Market Survey 30-year fixed-rate mortgage (FRM) averaged 4.23 percent with an average 0.5 point for the week ending Source: Freddie Mac March 23, 2017, down from last week when it averaged 4.30 percent. A year ago […]

Agent/broker perspective: When is the right time to move up?

In this monthly column, Anthony Askowitz will explore a hypothetical Miami real estate situation from both sides of the broker/agent dynamic. A successful agent has a solid track record selling mid-market homes but feels ready to tackle luxury-level properties. Agent perspective Like most people making their start in real estate, I began my career selling […]

March 2017
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