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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

How bad could the appraiser shortage get, and what are the solutions?

If you slept through all of 2016, then you might have missed the news that there weren’t enough appraisers last year for the properties that needed appraising. Between falling interest rates (and subsequent refinancing by homeowners) and a mostly-recovered housing market, appraisers were in hot demand and appraisals could take weeks to line up — […]

Agents can now add HouseLens video walkthroughs to Zillow listings

Real estate agents now have another way to highlight their listings on Zillow using 2017’s favorite medium: video. HouseLens, a provider of visual marketing solutions for the real estate industry, has joined forces with the real estate portal to integrate HouseLens professional walkthrough video tours on the site’s listing pages at no charge to agents. […]

How indie brokers can compete with industry giants

Jerry Holden is the president and broker for The Holden Agency. After a career in professional baseball, Holden redirected his competitive mindset toward real estate and quickly built a reputation of success in the industry. Holden has been recognized as the no. 1 sales agent for 11 years straight in North Central Ohio and a […]

SmartZip launches new service to connect agents with ready sellers

In an inventory-starved, raging-hot seller’s market, finding homesellers who are ready to pull the trigger and connecting with them fast can mean the difference between becoming the real estate agent who lists that home and the agent who wishes she had. Predictive marketing company SmartZip, based in Pleasanton, California (a city that is no stranger […]

Crazy Sh*t In Real Estate: What’s that smell?

Reposted with permission — show notes and credits here. Real estate agents help people buy, sell and lease their homes, but when do their services and responsibilities to the client end? A closing or a successfully sold property does not necessarily mean the agent’s job is done. Leigh Brown interviews Steve Weiss, a Realtor of 32 […]

Boost Your Online Rep, Testimonials & Referrals with a Simple Automated Tool

Save My Spot 90% of prospects will research you before they call. Do you know what happens when someone Googles YOUR name? Join us for an interactive demo of Reach150, a simple tool you can set up in 10 minutes to automatically generate testimonials and build up — and control — your online reputation. Learn […]

Put your lead generation on autopilot with Facebook Messenger ads

A strategic Facebook Messenger advertising campaign can generate more homebuyer and seller leads and deliver them right to your smartphone. I’m going to walk you through each step in detail so that you can start generating new leads on autopilot. If you’re not running paid Facebook ads yet, this is a great campaign to start with […]

How to outsmart instant offers with your own killer IO program

It’s been a whirlwind week here on the podcast as we’ve clearly “kicked the hornet’s nest!” The emails and comments are rolling in, and though they’ve been overwhelmingly positive and thankful, they are also riddled with fear and misunderstanding about what is happening in the marketplace. If you’ve missed our three previous shows on iBuyer/instant […]

Why you’re missing out if you aren’t producing video

Today’s world is digital. Consumers are inundated with digital devices, filled with social media, email campaigns and digital marketplaces. There is no breaking free from the World Wide Web — it’s part of even our most simple daily routines. When it comes to the web, though, there is one format of media that seems to […]

3 things real estate agents will always do better than tech disruptors

Last month’s announcement of Zillow Instant Offers has led to a lot of chatter (and some noticeable silence in the public realm) as real estate agents worry about whether technology will take away their jobs. In fact, the fear is so real that 32,000 industry professionals have signed a “Stop Zillow” petition. However, as history […]

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