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Why making the personality connection is critical for cold calling

Last week, we discussed the DISC personality types. Now I am going to share a very simple principal that speaks to the psychology of a cold call. Do you remember when you were 8 years old? We never had stress; we were never tired. We could go to bed 2 a.m., wake up at 7 a.m. […]

Why switching websites is more costly than you think

Real estate brokers and agents have a plethora of CRMs to choose from, and even more website providers. But before you switch, make sure the change-up won’t leave your contacts and data wafting in the wind without the features they’ve come to know and love in your current systems. As a small business, the cost […]

11 things sellers should do once the for sale sign is in the ground

The sellers have decluttered, painted, made repairs and spiffed up the landscaping. The curb appeal is at its best. After the long process of getting the home listed, the for sale sign is up. Now what? Here are 11 things you should always tell your sellers to do once the for sale sign is in […]

Branding with your name in real estate? Come on, you can do better than that

Effective branding is at the heart of virtually every successful business, yet it is a rarity in the real estate industry. If you’re branding your business with your name, it may be time to take a different tack. Over my 30-plus years in the industry, I’ve been affiliated with several of the major brands in […]

Let homebuyers ‘place’ homes on empty lots with Clayton’s new augmented-reality app

Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe. Home Previewer by Clayton is an augmented reality-based app that lets users view and tour a new home on vacant land. Platforms: iOS Ideal for: Agents who specialize in new construction; agents familiar with manufactured and […]

Gary Gold: 5 ways to get a great buy in a seller’s market

Great deals are rarely listed on the MLS as a great deal — especially in a seller’s market. They are often deals that have been crafted through the strategic efforts of the buyer’s agents and listing agents. Use these five tips to get a great deal for your buyers. 1. Know the market If you […]

Despite the economic upswing, are Americans dissatisfied?

Quiet on the surface, still. The 10-year T-note opened last week at 2.39 percent and is finished at 2.32 percent. Mortgages remain stuck at 4.125 percent. The Dow set another record high, ho-hum, beginning Monday at 21,386, ending at 21,621 — the gain entirely within 15 minutes of the release of Chair Yellen’s peaceful semi-annual […]

10 highly salable factors of a real estate property

The ability to distinguish what is salable is an absolute must for any broker to survive and succeed in the real estate industry. Whether it is a condo, a townhouse or a detached home, there are some aspects that are inherent to the property itself and there are others that can be worked on by brokers and sellers. What […]

Daily market update: July 14, 2017

We’ll add more market news briefs throughout the day. Check back to read the latest. Most recent market news Friday, July 14 Mortgage Credit Availability Slightly Increases in June Source: Mortgage Bankers Association; Powered by Ellie Mae’s AllRegs Market Clarity Mortgage credit availability increased slightly in June according to the Mortgage Credit Availability Index (MCAI). […]

Open Listings raises $6.5M, plans for expansion

Open Listings — an online startup that offers on-demand showings, minimized agent interaction and 50 percent commission refunds to buyers in California and Washington — has raised $6.5 million in Series A funding led by Matrix Partners. Initialized Capital and Arena ventures also participated as new investors in this round. This brings their total funding to $12.5 […]

July 2017
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