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Agent/broker perspective: Should top producers attend company meetings?

In this monthly column, Anthony Askowitz will explore a hypothetical Miami real estate situation from both sides of the broker/agent dynamic. An office’s top producer is questioning why she needs to attend company meetings. Agent perspective When I was just starting out in real estate, I enjoyed attending my mid-sized office’s monthly meetings. They were […]

NASA calls for real estate pros in 3-D printed habitat competition

Are you ready to sell a 3-D printed house on the Moon? How about Mars? The US National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) wants real estate pros to help it design the future of residences on other worlds, and is asking for real estate pros to help. The space agency’s newly launched 3-D Printed Habitat Challenge: […]

Real estate daily market update: November 17, 2017

 We’ll add more market news briefs throughout the day. Check back to read the latest. Most recent market news Friday, November 17 November 2017 Re/Max National Housing Report October home sales increased 2.5 percent year-over-year and kept 2017 prices ahead of 2016. The Months Supply of Inventory dropped to 3.3 – the lowest for any […]

What do Realtors really want from their MLS?

Reposted with permission from Rob Hahn. As most of you know, there were some changes made at NAR about the whole MLS of choice deal. Because I don’t think that’s a huge thing, although events could prove me wrong, I’ll skip it and move on to this: NAR MLS consolidation resources. There’s so much here to […]

Could Gary Keller and Compass’s Robert Reffkin be more similar?

I recently sat with Compass CEO Robert Reffkin in his slick new offices on New York City’s 5th Avenue, when suddenly the image of Texan Gary Keller oddly flashed before my eyes. It was an illusion that quickly lifted, but something clicked in my head that I had missed before. On the one hand, could […]

Wells Fargo Consumer Lending chief axed for disparaging communication to former executive

Still reeling from a scandal involving fake banking accounts, Wells Fargo this week fired its head of consumer lending over disparaging “communication” with a former executive, officials said on Friday. Franklin Codel, who last year was promoted as head of Consumer Lending following a position as head of the San Francisco-based bank’s Home Lending division, […]

Las Vegas Realtors to cut off listing feed to

The Greater Las Vegas Association of Realtors will shut off a listing feed to next month after negotiations between the trade group and operator Move Inc. fell apart, according to a notice sent out to GLVAR’s 14,000-plus members Thursday. GLVAR President David Tina wrote in the message: “For more than a year, GLVAR […]

Potential sellers staying put to avoid homebuyer hell

Most real estate experts would agree that it’s a seller’s market — inventory is low and buyer demand is high, meaning that homeowners can garner higher sales prices than ever before. So, why aren’t homeowners selling their homes? They don’t want to navigate the current housing market as buyers. According to ValueInsured’s latest quarterly Modern […]

Is Opendoor testing a new listing brokerage service?

Opendoor, one of the leading innovators in the iBuyer market, may be expanding its scope beyond simply buying and flipping homes. The company may be getting ready to encroach further into the real estate market, if a single, oddly glowing five-star Yelp review of Opendoor is any indication. According to Yelp user Ann M. of […]

What design elements are millennials looking for in a home?

With millennials becoming the largest segment of homebuyers, it’s critical for homesellers and their real estate agents to know their design preferences. Thanks to the 2017 Taylor Morris Consumer Survey, we know what recent and prospective millennial homebuyers are into. The 2017 Taylor Morris Survey, conducted by Wakefield Research, surveyed 1,000 American adults who have […]

November 2017
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