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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

Here’s how many Thanksgiving dinners it takes to pay rent

In an effort to encourage saving for homeowership, millennials are sometimes advised to give up certain luxuries. (All those pumpkin spice lattes add up after a while!) But would anyone be willing to give up Thanksgiving dinner? According to Apartment List’s yearly Turkey Index, which determines how many turkey dinners it would take to pay […]

4 ways to create buzz around you and your biz

What do people say and think about you? Not just your clients, but your co-workers, your friends, other agents and vendors? Real estate is an incredibly relational business, and what people think about you matters. Many an agent has hoped to have split business and personal images, but I’m here to tell you that it […]

How high can LA real estate prices skyrocket?

The Los Angeles area is one of the most expensive regions in the country in terms of housing prices, and in defiance of most experts’ predictions, the prices just keep rising. So how far can this trend continue, and what will happen if and when it finally reverses? Why prices keep rising In Orange County, […]

7 ways to make your listing look more expensive

As a listing agent, it’s your job to help your clients get the most out of their sale. Anything you can do to make the house look more expensive is likely to help boost buyer interest and sales price. But how do you make listings look more expensive? The methods range from very simple to […]

Target your sellers better with a Lister’s Webs website

Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe. Lister’s Webs is a website developer that helps real estate agents target sellers. Platforms: Browser; mobile-optimized sites Ideal for: All size agencies Top selling points Wordpress-based, semi-custom designs Designed to attract new listings Simple content management […]

Real estate blog topics to take you through the holidays

For most real estate agents and brokers, this is the slower time of year when you begin to play catch-up and take on all of those tasks that didn’t get done during the hot spring and summer markets. If you got behind on your blog writing over the course of the past few months, it’s […]

Connect/Reflect: The Dutch are here!

As many of you know, Inman Connect New York attracts attendees from all over the world. Holland’s Boris Geheniau has been making the journey across the Atlantic every January for the past few years, and is increasingly bringing more of his colleagues with him to learn, connect and get inspired each year. We recently sat […]

Why training, not mentorship, works for this indie’s business

A few years ago, Lamacchia Realty broker-owner Anthony Lamacchia had his senior agents mentor junior agents. It may have worked in theory, but the reality of that mentoring model was less than ideal for the five-office, 85-agent indie brokerage. Anthony Lamacchia “There was abuse both ways,” Lamacchia said. “We saw cases where experienced agents were […]

Real estate daily market update: November 20, 2017

 We’ll add more market news briefs throughout the day. Check back to read the latest. Most recent market news Monday, November 20 First American Financial Corporation October 2017 Potential Home Sales Potential existing-home sales increased to a 5.89 million seasonally adjusted, annualized rate (SAAR), a 0.4 percent month-over-month increase. This represents a 95.7 percent increase […]

Announcing the first round of speakers for Inman Connect New York 2018

Imagine charting a course through a landscape that’s constantly changing and shifting around and beneath you. That’s what it feels like sometimes to operate in the real estate industry — there are so many new tools and business models in addition to the traditional tried-and-true methods that it’s hard to know which way to turn […]

November 2017
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