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Can you afford the American dream on your salary?

What exactly does it take to turn a renter into a buyer? Real estate professionals mull over this question often, coming up with ideas ranging from touting the personal pride of homeownership to the financial upside of building wealth and equity. Unfortunately, a willing renter isn’t the only requirement for the transition into homeownership: the […]

North America will lead world in new housing construction through 2021

Helped along by rapid household formation in Mexico and increased construction across the United States, North America will post the fastest gains in new residential development—even as indications of a housing bubble emerge in Western Europe, according to a new study released Monday. The Global Housing Outlook study projects a 4-percent increase in residential units […]

How to make data standards important to your stakeholders

“There are hundreds and hundreds of companies relying on the MLS to provide accurate data — and they’re using these tools today — and we’ll get them there by showing the benefits, but it’s going to take a little bit of time,” said President of FBS Michael Wurzer of standardized data on the Imnan stage. […]

Why is real estate startup funding on the rise?

When the economy is humming along that’s when you’ll see more venture capitalists come out of the woodwork. In many markets, it’s been awhile since the real estate industry attracted VC attention. But times — they are a-changin’. According to Crunchbase, between August 2016 and August 2017 a total of 111 real estate startups secured […]

Trump’s tax bill: Bad for Americans, good for foreign buyers?

Elements of the U.S. House and the Senate’s proposed new tax policies might make purchasing a home more expensive for Americans but cheaper for foreign homebuyers. Lost buying power Some analysis on Inman has already pointed out that proposed changes to the mortgage interest deduction, which is just one of the several proposed policies that […]

5 ways for real estate agents to give back this Thanksgiving

Being at home is to be relaxed and comfortable, in harmony with one’s surroundings. As the familiar adage goes, “home is where the heart is.” Our emotional attachment is so evident that we become homesick when we are away for prolonged periods. As a Realtor, I’ve had the great privilege of working side by side […]

Your new secret weapon: Facebook’s Click-to-Messenger ads

Earlier this year, Facebook introduced a new feature that lets advertisers use Facebook Messenger as a destination for ads. What this means is that advertisers now have the option to start a live conversation on Facebook Messenger with leads when they click on an ad (as opposed to sending them to a landing page or […]

Special Report: Real estate team risks and rewards

Overview The real estate industry is a large tent offering the opportunity for many different business models to thrive. Tight-knit independent offices, 100-percent commission firms, big-brand franchisors, virtual brokerages, tech-driven startups and luxury boutiques all have their place. They benefit from their unique strengths and also must face their biggest threats. Over the last several […]

Talk turkey to me: Real estate agents share their favorite Thanksgiving traditions

Happy Thanksgiving week! We decided to tap into our sphere and see how top agents across the country celebrate Turkey Day. Their answers may surprise you and inspire a new tradition of your own. Ryan Serhant, Nest Seekers International, The Serhant Team, New York: “Each year on Thanksgiving, I go to my parents’ home on […]

A simple path to happiness this Thanksgiving

This year has been a year of unprecedented anger, nightmarish mass murders, devastating hurricanes, hellacious fires and the sheer anxiety that results when you know there could be another calamity just around the corner. In this environment, what does it take to regain your balance and to be happy this Thanksgiving and into 2018? Several […]

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