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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

The essential guide to social media in real estate

When it comes to using social media as a business tool, real estate professionals have an array of strategies, tactics and platforms at their fingertips. Source: click here

How a California minimum wage court decision could impact real estate

On April 30, 2018, my article on the California Supreme Court Dynamex minimum wage decision and its potential impact on real estate set off a firestorm of responses. Here’s what I’ve learned. Source: click here

5 tips for upgrading your listing’s online appearance

Digital showings are increasingly important as 44 percent of consumers look online before they start the homebuying process. Here are 5 things you can do to improve your listing’s digital appearance. Source: click here

Lesson learned: Don’t leave room for assumptions

As a veteran firefighter and entrepreneur, Robert Taylor knows his community and its people. He’s turning those connections and insights into a new venture as a real estate agent. What is he learning in the early days of his career that you can put to work in yours? Source: click here

5 ways to drive maximum traffic to your open house

When holding an Open House, most agents operate by one of two approaches: Hoping and praying to the real estate gods that people show up to your Open House, or… Holding a Mega Open House! I’m sharing five of my best tips on how to drive tons of traffic to your Open House plus five […]

3 ways agents can take on Zillow and win

Try a Google search in any market and you’re bound to see search portals like Zillow and Trulia dominating the results. There’s a simple reason why they are winning the online real estate game: users love their platforms. The “map to the left, listing thumbnails to the right” portal-inspired design has become the standard—widely embraced […]

The rise of the robot real estate agent

Agents need to adapt, but their value remains critical to the transaction It’s no secret: money talks. And the money being poured into alternative technologies and business models in efforts to upend traditional real estate transactions is now too much of a deluge to ignore. For example, many see Opendoor’s recent $300 million funding round […]

The secret to lead generation this summer is consistency

Summer might be a time of fun and sun, but your business never goes on vacation. Even if you’re a solo operation, your business should stay in motion whether you’re out of the office for a few days—or a few weeks. So what do you do when you want to take some well-deserved time off? […]

Millennials are happiest in big cities, but they’re being priced out

Millennials are the only age group to be happier in cities than the countryside — a finding that could have major implications for real estate. Source: click here

Purplebricks’ Canadian acquisition is an incredible deal, here’s why

Reposted with permission from Mike DelPrete. Last week, Purplebricks announced that it had acquired DuProprio/ComFree, the leading fixed-fee and for-sale-by-owner business in Canada, for £29.3 million. Why it matters: This is a great deal for Purplebricks and further strengthens its position as the online agency leader with global ambitions. Disclaimer: I played a small but important part in this […]

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