A few years ago, my friends and I went on an after-dark tour of the Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia during its Halloween scarefest, Terror Behind the Walls. Having grown up watching horror movies, I don’t scare easily, and being a true believer in science and all things explainable, I believed haunting to be nothing but hokum. My experiences that night at the crumbling prison changed all that. It wasn’t the haunted house portion of the tour that scared the bejeepers out of me — it was the actual historic prison tour. As the tour progressed, we went from the original tiny cells to a more “modern” wing of the historic prison, and the guide had us all gather into one particular cell. As I stepped in, we all noticed the temperature had dropped drastically, and I suddenly felt short of breath and incredibly uncomfortable. As I reached for my asthma inhaler, the tour guide told us we were standing at the site of the bloodiest and most terrifying murder to have ev…
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