One day, a dear friend of mine, who is a successful sales-driven business man, saw I was having one of those frustrating mornings where not one, but three deals appeared to be going sideways. Sensing my pending frustration, my buddy looked at me with confident yet humored eyes and said, “Come on Spyro, honey badger don’t care.” It proved to be one of the best pieces of business advice I’ve received. If you are not familiar with a honey badger, it’s a wild, four-legged animal that is a cross between the cartoon character Pepe Le Pew and a miniature version of Baloo from The Jungle Book. His midget size legs and white skunk back make him look almost domesticated enough for the next family photo. However, don’t let the 20 pounds of black and white cuddliness fool you. The honey badger is one of the biggest bad-asses in the animal kingdom who fears almost nothing. For instance, if the honey badger wants honey, in spite of 1,000 bee stings, he goes for the honey. Wh…
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