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Inman Wins 4 Awards at the National Association of Real Estate Editors (NAREE 2018)


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Journalists from across the United States gathered in Las Vegas this week for the Spring conference of the National Association of Real Estate Editors (NAREE), the trade group dedicated to honoring excellent journalism covering the real estate industries (both commercial and residential).

Every year, NAREE’s leaders hand out awards for some of the best work in these areas, and for 2018, Inman was humbled to be honored with four awards (in bold below).

Gold Award for Best Online Mortgage, Financial or Mortgage Story: Teke Wiggan, Inman News, “Will digital middlemen become toll booths for real estate agents?” Bronze Award for Best Online Mortgage, Financial or Mortgage Story: Brian Walsh, Inman News, “The coastal mortgage time bomb” Honorable Mention for Best Breaking Real Estate News Story: Patrick Kearns, Inman News, “Net neutrality repeal has real estate really worried” Gold Award for Best Real Estate Tweet Collection: Carl Franzen, Inman News

See the full list of award winners below. Apologies for some incomplete information, as this was written up live during the ceremony. We will update with full details once the are published by NAREE online.

Mary Doyle-Kimball, the longtime Executive Director at NAREE (since 1995) was presented with a special award consisting of bags of her favorite tea and a “beautiful” tea kettle.

Best Coverage by an Individual of Residential Real Estate

Honorable Mention: Prashant Gopal, Bloomberg News Honorable Mention: CJ Hughes, freelance New York Times Bronze Award, Jeff Collins, Orange County Register Bronze Award, Lorraine Woellert, Politico Silver Award, Stefanos Chen, New York Times for “How the ferry is changing the Brooklyn-Queens waterfront” Silver Award, Jon Gorey, freelance writer, Boston Globe for “Boston market changes” Gold Award, Nick Nehamas, Miami Herald for “Buying a home in Miami-Dade” Gold Award, Nathan Tempey, Brick Underground for “Affordable housing”

Best Collection by an Individual Covering Commercial Real Estate

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Honorable Mention, Robyn Friedman, freelance writer, Wall Street Journal/Multi-Housing News Bronze Award, Richard Webner, San Antonio Express-News for “The opaque of multi-million-dollar development” Silver Award, Randyl Drummer, Costar News for coverage of Hurricane Jarvey and Irma Gold Award, Cameron Sperance, Bisnow, collection from women in construction and smashing lavender ceiling to Amazon’s search

Best Real Estate Column

Honorable Mention, Eli Segall, Las Vegal Review-Journal “Building near Raiders stadium site has checkered, possibly haunted history” Bronze Award Rondo Kaysen, freelance writer New York Times, “360 View Real Estate Column” Silver Award, Alanna Schubach, Brick Underground “Ask an Expert: AirBNB” Gold Award, Ralph Bivins, Realty News Report for “Space City’s Astrodome: the landmark that embodies the soul of Houston”

Best Economic Analysis

Honorable Mention: Jon Gorey, freelance writer, Boston Globe for “The Fix is Out” Bronze Award: Lorraine Woellert, Politico, “Why Washington can’t fix the new housing crisis” Silver Award: Roland Li, San Francisco Business Times, “By feasting on S.F. ‘partial stakes,’ big real estate investors are saving millions in taxes” Prashant Gopal, Bloomberg News, “Why Trump’s immigration crackdown could sink U.S. home prices.”

Best Interior Design Story

Bronze Award: Michele Lerner, freelance writer, Washington Post, “Modernizing a 1929 colonial while still honoring its history” Silver Award: Jura Koncius, Washington Post, “The reign of beige” Gold Award: Edgar Allen Beem, Design New England, “Simply Friendship”

Best Real Estate E-Newsletter by an Individual

Honorable Mention: Jessica Fiur, Commercial Property News, “CPN: Insights for Small and Emerging Real Estae Owners and Managers” Bronze Award: Tony Consiglio, Tecome Builder, TecHome Builder Insights Katherine Feser, Houston Chronicle, “Prime Property” Eileen Woods, Boston Globe, “Address, Oct. 6 2017”

Best Architecture Story

Honorable Mention: Valerie Schremp Hahn, St. Louis Post Dispatch Bronze Award: Jon Gorey, freelance writer, Boston Globe, “When Sears sold the American Dream” Silver Award: Stefanos Chen, New York Times, “The Unsung Postwar Apartment” Gold Award: Regina Cole, freelance writer, Design New England, “Bid It Stay”

Best Residential Real Estate Story

Honorable Mention: Jeff Collins, Orange County Register, “Fewer evictions offer some hope” Honorable Mention, Popescu, freelance writer, Washington Post Bronze Award: Arielle Kass, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Neighbors resist growing density” Bronze Award: Marilyn Kalfus, Orange County Refister, “Sister Act: two women in pink hard hats restore historic Anaheim homes” Silver Award: Ronda Kaysen, freelance writer, New York Times Silver Award: Eli Segall, Las Vegas Review-Journal Gold Award: Richard Webner, San Antonio Express-News, “Low-income landlord Starr gets tax breaks despite allegations of poor living conditions” Gold Award: Lorraine Woellert, Politico, “We have a big problem: Puerto Rico seeks aid for tens of thousands of squatters”

Best Mortgage or Financial Real Estate Story – Daily Newspaper

Honorable Mention: Jeff Collins, Orange County Register, “Who is that man with Reza Jahangiri?” Bronze Award: Kenneth Harney, Washington Post Writers Group, “Agency warns that questionable refinancing may be costing veterans big money” Silver Award: Ronda Kaysen, freelance writer New York Times, “Smaller housing markets lure individual investors” Gold Award: Jacob Adelman, Philadelphia Inquirer, “HQ move is a sweet deal for Blastein”

Best Commercial Real Estate Story – Daily Newspaper

Bronze Award: Mike Hidgon, Reno Gazette-Journal, “Dead or alive? Downtown Reno’s West 2nd District, one year later” Silver Award: Jeff Collins, Orange County Register, “This map shows the extent of Southern California apartment boom. Will all he construction help lower your rent?” Gold Award: Jonathan O’Connell, Washington Post Magazine, “The Fixer-Upper: how a salty, pugnacious developer with a ninth-grade education is saving the character of old Washington” Gold Award: C.J. Hughes, freelance writer, New York Times, “After the launching (and scrapping) of Navy ships, a new mission”

Best Small Daily Newspaper Real Estate Story – Daily Newspaper Under 75,000 Circulation

Silver Award: Jason Hidalgo, Reno Gazette-Journal, “Reno renters buckler from record-high apartment rent, ‘near-zero’ vacancy” Gold Award: Akiko Matsudo, Journal News, “Under the radar: tiny-house owners face zoning challenges in the Hudson Valley”

Best Weekly Newspaper Story – Business Weekly

Bronze Award: Cynthia Lescalleet, freelance writer, Leader News, “The do-over: one man’s castle” Silver Award: Roland Li, San-Francisco Business Journal, “How Veritas became the new face of San Francisco real estate” Gold Award: Adam Sichko, Nashville Business Journal, “This is Nashville’s next land rush” Gold Award: Blanca Torres, San Francisco Business Times, “Housing’s tale of two cities: Seattle builds, San Francisco lags”

Best REsidential, Mortgage, or Financial Real Estate Magazine Story – General Circulation

Bronze Award: Colin W. Sargent, Portland Monthly, “Weathering Heights” Silver Award: CJ Hughes, Rhapsody Magazine Gold Award: Michele Lerner, freelance writer, Washington Post, “An art lover’s make-it-work moment: fitting 40 pieces in his

Best Real Estate Trade Magazine Story

Honorable Mention: IvyLee Rosario, Multi-Housing News, “Attacking the hack” Bronze Award: E.B. Solomont, The Real Deal, “Murdoch ‘moves’ on Zillow” Silver Award: Kyle Clapham, Qualified Remodeler, “Developing a new workforce” Gold Award: Matt Power, Green Builder magazine, “The promises and pitfalls of plastics in construction”

Best Commercial Real Estate Trade Magazine Story

Honorable Mention: Ronda Kaysen, freelance for Architectural Record Bronze Award: Mark Maurer, The Real Deal, “Is New York real estate showing symptoms of distress?” Silver Award: Joe Gose, freelance writer Northeast Real Estate Business, “Not-so affordable housing” Gold Award: Jeff Shaw, Seniors Housing Business, “Seniors housing gets into the mix”

Best Online Mortgage, Financial or Mortgage Story

Honorable Menton: Paul Owers, Costar news Bronze Award: Brian Walsh, Inman News, “The coastal mortgage time bomb” Silver Award: Tim Donnelly, Brick Underground, “Roomate/boyrfiend wanted: One woman’s bold quest to solve two eternal NYC problems at once Gold Award: Oshrat Carmiel, Bloomberg News, “Manhattan gets $20k a month homes for new breed of seniors” Gold Award: Teke Wiggan, Inman News, “Will digital middlemen become toll booths for real estate agents?”

Best Online Commercial Real Estate story

Jon Banister,, “Exclusive: the DC brokerage-diversity problem that nobody is talking about” Bronze: Roland Li, SF Biz Times, “The tenderloin awakens” Silver: Heather Perlberg, Bloomberg, “Tom Barrack juggles Trump defense and revamped property empire” Silver: Alicia Wallace, The Cannabist, “Trading veggies for herb: produce grower planting cannabis in multi-million square foot greenhouse” Gold Award: Dacid M Levitt,, “in the shadow of Manhattan, a troubled city is having a moment”

Best Real Estate Tweet Collection

Bronze Award: Katherine Feser, Houston Chronicle Silver Award: Ralph Bivins, Realty News Report Gold Award: Carl Franzen, Inman News

Best Real Estate Audio Or Video

Bronze Award: Florian Martin, Houston Public Media, “From glut to flood: Houston apartments in high demand after Harvard” Silver Award: Nancy Sarnoff, Houston Chronicle, “Looped In Podcast: Stories from Hurricane Harvey and Houston’s Recovery” Gold Award: Shannon Behnken, WLFA-TV, “8 On Your Side ‘Sinkhole Deceit’”

Best Breaking Real Estate News Story

Honorable Mention: Patrick Kearns, Inman News, “Net neutrality repeal has real estate really worried” Bronze: Jon Anderson, Silver: Patricia Clark, Bloomberg News, “Wine country disaster stretches already-tight housing market” Silver: Mark Mauer and Katherin Clarke, The Real Deal, “HNA, partner to buy 245 Park Avenue for $2.2 billion: sources” Gold: Prashant Gopal, Joe Light and Rob Urban, Bloomberg News, “Pricey home markets from Greenwich to L.A. may take tax hit”

Best Investigate Report in Real Estate

Honorable Mention: Blanca Torres, San Francisco Business Times, “$100M Oakland empire built on EB-5 investor visas goes into decline” Bronze Award: Mike DeDemasi, Albany Business Review, “Albany assesor’s mistake” Bronze Award: Jodie Fleischer, Rick Yarborough, Steven Jones, Jeffrey Piper, WRC-TV, “Homes held hostage in DC” Silver Award: Catherine Reagor and Jessica Boehm, Arizona Repbulic, “HOAs foreclosure on record number of metro Phoenix homeowners” Silver Award: Jacob Adelman, Philadelphia Inquirer, “Failed Philadelphia projects” Gold Award: Konard Putzier, The Real Deal, “Banks are far more exposed to risky real estate loans than you think — thanks to this loophole” Gold Award: David Kocieniewski, Caleb Melby, and Hui-yong Yu, Bloomberg News, “Unmasking the Kushner real estate empire”

Best Series in Real Estate

Honorable Mention: Camila McLaughlin, freelance writer Unique Homes, “What now?” Honorable Mention: E.B. Solomont, The Real Deal, “The battle blowing up the real estate listings industry” Bronze Award: Jonathan O’Connell, Washington Post Silver Award: Prashant Gopal, Bloomberg Businessweek and Bloomberg News, “Storm chasers” Bethany Erickson,, “Houses of Cards: Families find anything but comfort in their brand-news, custom build homes”

Best International Real Estate Story

Honorable Mention: Sharon Smyth, Bloomberg News, “London’s hottest home markets see price cuts in sign peak’s near” Bronze Award: E.B. Solomont, Will Parker, Jill Noonan, and Damian Ghilgliotty, The Real Deal, “Billionaire backlash in New York” Silver Award: Jack Sidders, Bloomberg News, “Brext Britain saddles biggest buyout firms with forlorn malls” Gold Award: Tamsin McMahon and Tim Kiladze, Globe & Mail

Best Team Report — Real Estate

Honorable Mention: J. Scott Trubey, Nathan Harris, and Leon Stafford, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Residents hope Mercedes-Benz Stadium aids nearby Atlanta neighborhood” Bronze Award: Katherine Clarke, E.B. Solomont, Jill Noon and Yayl De La Rosa, The Real deal, “Who earned and who got burned?” Bronze Award: Colin W. Sargent and Willis Kuelthau, Portland Monthly Magazine, “Dream Islands” Silver Award: Prashant Gopal and Heather Perlberg, Bloomberg News, “Robots may help build your next home and fill the labor gap” Gold Award: Konrad Putzier, Rich Backmann and Hiten Samtani, The Real Deal “How non-bank lenders, like commercial mortgage REITs, seemingly make real estate loans” Gold Award: Philp Molnar and Lori Weisberg, San Diego Union Tribune

Best Design, Home, or Shelter Magazine

Silver Award: Kathleen Carlin-Russell, Mark Moffo, Unique Homes, “May 22, 2017 issue” Gold Award: Gail Ravgiala and Courtney Goodrich, Design New England, “Sept/Oct. 2017 issue”

Best Residential Trade Magazine

Gold Award: Matt Power, Green Builder magazine, “Sept./Oct. 2017 issue”

Best Commercial Real Estate Trade Magazine

Bronze Award: Randall Shearin, Katie Sloan, and Lynn Peisner, Shopping Center Business, “May 1, 2017 issue” Silver Award: Matthew Valley, Seniors Housing Business, “April 2017 issue” Gold Award: Stuart Elliott, Damian Ghilgotty, Jill Noonan, Danielle Balbi, The Real Deal, “Nov. 2017 issue”

Best Newsletter In Real Estate

Honorable Mention: Lauren Beale, freelance writer and Neal Leitereg, Los Angeles Times, “Hot Property” Bronze Award: Leigh Kampling-Corder, Wall Street Journal, WSJ Real Estate Newsletter Silver Award: Cameron Spearance, Bisnow, “Real Estate Bisnow Boston” Gold Award: Jon Banister, Bisnow, “Real Estate Bisnow Washington, DC”

Best Newspaper Real Estate or Home Section

Honorable Mention: Lois Weiss, Steve Cuozzo, and Emily Nonko, New York Post, Commercial Real Estate Bronze Award: Emily Fancher, San Francisco Business Times, “San Francisco Structures” Silver Award: Jeff Collins, Samanatha Gowen, Marilyn Kalfus, Jonthan Lansner, Hannah Madons, Orange County Register, “Real Estate section Feb. 12, 2017” Gold Award: Eileeen Woods, Boston Globe, “Address: Your Guide to Buying, Selling, Lviing, June 25. 2017”

Best Website Real Estate

Bronze Award: Kathleen Hamilton, Perfect Partnership Inc., “Do it yourself or not” Silver Award: Teri Rogers, Nathan Tempey, and Jennifer White Karp, Brick Underground, “Real estate, real life, real New York” Gold Award: Leigh Kamping-Corder, Wall Street Journal,

Ruth Ryan Award for Best Young Journalist

Nick Nehamas, Miami Herald, “Buying a home in Miami-Dade”

President’s Award: Best Freelance Colletion

Randa Kaysem, freelance writer for New York Times, three articles

Platinum Award: Best Overall Individual Entry

Matt Clark, Newsday, “Separate and Unequal”

Email Carl Franzen

Source: click here

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