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4 hacks to generate listings immediately


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Somewhere out there is a seller who just hasn’t fully committed to the idea yet. So how do you get people who have been contemplating selling their house to take that next step and open the door to a conversation with you?

I reached out to some of the brightest minds I know, and together we put together 4 no-brainer hacks to generate listings now.

If you want more listings, download our free List & Win bundle, including real estate listing scripts, a listing presentation and more!

Listing hack #1: Leverage your buyer

If you’ve got a buyer who has lost out on several homes but is pre-qualified and motivated, capitalize on that asset! This exact hack recently led to an $8,000 commission for one of our coaching members from a $100 marketing investment, mailing to just 60 homeowners.

First, identify the specific neighborhood where they want to buy. Next, write a letter to all the homeowners in that neighborhood that says:

Hello Neighbor,

I’m representing a client interested in buying your home. (Be as specific as possible about the desired property type, number of bedrooms, location, etc.) They are approved by [Bank] and they recently lost out on a home they really wanted to buy. They desperately want to live in your neighborhood. We’ve identified your property as the ideal home for them. Would you consider a one-day listing just to allow my client to see it?

Send this letter to all the homes in that neighborhood in a hand-addressed and hand-stamped envelope with no real estate logos. The goal is to be casual and personal — with a sense of urgency they’ll feel!

Listing hack #2: Instagram Story poll

Have you ever used the “poll” feature on Instagram Stories? If you have, you know it not only breaks down people’s answers, but it shows you exactly who answered what. This can be extremely valuable information.

All you need to do is create two polls:

Are You Living in Your Dream Home Now?

Have You Had Any Thoughts of Selling in 2018 or 2019?

These are simple, YES/NO polls that people don’t have to think too hard about, and take a second to respond. Conduct these polls every three or four months and follow up through Instagram private message with those who identified themselves as possible sellers.

Watch more related to listings hacks from Tom Ferry:


Listing hack #3: Business card & sticky note

All this hack requires is a business card and a sticky note. Leave your business card near the front door of a home in a targeted neighborhood, along with a sticky note that says, “Call me about your house.”

It’s quick, it’s intriguing and it will elicit calls. When they call, here’s what you say:

“Thanks so much for calling. I’m actually representing a buyer right now who desperately wants to live in your neighborhood. I just had to reach out and be aggressive for my customer to find out… Have you had any thoughts of selling?”

Listing hack #4: Sly Broadcast voicemail message

Sly Broadcast is a service that allows you to record a message and send it directly to people’s voicemails. You can use this strategy to target homeowners in an area your buyer desires.

Here’s a script:

Hey it’s [Your Name] with [Your Company].

I’m representing a buyer right now, and I gotta tell you, they are a wonderful couple and they are desperate to live in [Name of Community]. We’ve already actually written an offer, but they got beat out by an investor. They’re a nice family and they’d love to live in your neighborhood. I’m just asking… If you’ve had ANY thoughts of selling, please give me a call at [Phone Number].

If you’re searching for real estate scripts for contacting Expired listings on the phone, search no further: Download our free List & Win bundle, which includes more dialogues for breakthrough conversations, 9 Ways to Win Every Listing and more!

Source: click here

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