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Be on brand: align your business with the values of your luxury clients

Gone are the days of flashy wealth signaling. Today’s luxury client is all about values: whether they’re health-conscious, eco-conscious, or interested in experiences over material things, an increasing number of affluent consumers place a premium on their own principles. As a result, they want to work with agents who will not only recognize these values, […]

Want to reach buyers in your listings? Ask Alexa to open Realty Voice

Realty Voice is the latest in a line of software using voice-activated internet on Amazon Echo to help listing agents share information with buyers. Source: click here

Can you fire independent contractors? Here’s what you should know

The majority of agents are ICs. Understanding what this classification means — and having a solid independent contractor agreement — is crucial for any brokerage or team. Source: click here

Pulse: How do you handle ‘We won’t list until we find a home’?

We know you handle countless objections every day. In our ongoing quest to find the best handlers, we ask that you take this one-question survey to share your top strategies with the masses in our weekly Tuesday column. This week’s situation: Your potential sellers don’t want to list until they’ve found their next home. What […]

Smart-home tech for agents: Water sensors

In this episode of “Smart-home tech for agents,” Brandon Doyle and Colton Pratt compare five sensors available on the market right now to help your clients decide which is best for their home. Source: click here

Rent control is getting more popular, but does it actually work?

Rents are rising faster than inflation and there is unlikely to be a “significant softening of rental markets.” Source: click here

Should your sellers pull their listings off the market this winter?

With some patience and strategic marketing, the perfect buyers could come down your clients’ chimneys just in time for Christmas. Here are some pros and cons to discuss with your sellers before taking listings off the market. Source: click here

Cohabitation of unmarried couples is on the rise as marriage rates decline

New research shows that more and more unmarried couples are living together, so real estate agents need to be prepared to work with these types of clients. Source: click here

Pulse: 25 ways to respond to ‘Why do I have to offer more?’

Last week, we surveyed readers for their best handlers for when buyers ask: “Why do I have to offer more?” The top strategies readers offered included reminding buyers that the cost isn’t an immediate out-of-pocket expense, pushing the FOMO button and pointing to data to make your case with gun-shy buyers. Source: click here

Cloud CMA launches new data integration with Buyside

Agents who create listing presentations with Cloud CMA are about to get a new edge in their efforts to win clients thanks to a new integration with data firm Buyside. Source: click here

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