As we all know, all it takes is a camera or a phone with a built-in camera to take a photo.People take pictures all day long. Some pictures are better than others because they were taken with better cameras.Modern digital cameras and smartphones are so easy to use that everyone is a photographer — and it is all free because we don’t need to pay for film or processing. Yet for some reason, people still steal pictures instead of shooting their own.When this has happened to my photos, I have been told by the person who took it that they thought it was OK because they “found” the pictures on the internet. If it is on the internet, it is free — right? One photographer’s experience Some have said professional photography is dead and has been replaced by the iPhone. That might be true, but it still doesn’t give anyone the right to use someone else’s picture without permission — and it is a good idea to get that permission in writing, especially if the use is for b…
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