As real estate agents, you work hard for your money, and you wait longer than most to get a paycheck. Sometimes, things don’t work out — the deal falls through — and you don’t even get paid for the work that you do. You’re money is precious. Imagine if you could work less and make more money; what would you do with the extra dough? Figuring out ways to save your money can be daunting, so here are 10 pointers you can use to keep more of your hard-earned commission in your pocket. 1. Go paperless Doing away with paper will not only save you money but also time — and it’s great for the environment, too. There’s so many ways to go paperless. Flyers can be e-flyers, texted from a rider or open house sign-in app. Contract and disclosures can be e-signed through an e-signature service, and there’s plenty of free ones out there. I’ve even adopted a paperless business card using the free app Inigo. 2. Buy in bulk We have all heard the saying: the more you buy, the more you save; …
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