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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

Agent/broker perspective: Going to the mat for an agent

In this monthly column, Anthony Askowitz explores a hypothetical real estate situation from both sides of the broker/agent dynamic. This month’s situation: An agent vs. agent dispute has escalated to a formal legal process. Both brokers are fully supportive. Can both brokers be right? Agent perspective I may not agree with my broker on everything, but […]

Podcast: 3 levers that hike your real estate profits

Have you tried unsuccessfully to increase your real estate profits year after year? Are your operating expenses heavily impacting your bottom line? Learn how you can increase your real estate profits in a powerful, comprehensive manner by making a few simple changes to the way you do business as a real estate agent. Many agents […]

Getting started down the road to a paperless real estate office

Last week, we talked about some of the reasons to go paperless. Today, we’ll look at the first few steps to getting there. The idea is to give you a workable sequence of steps that can get you there, along with some of the tools you’ll need. Don’t get overwhelmed! Maybe the most common impediment to […]

March 2017
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