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What is a 1031 exchange?

In this video, Peter Lorimer of PLG Estates explains what a 1031 exchange is in real estate; 1031 refers to tax code. It means you can sell a property and not have to pay as much in taxes. Backing up, there are some tax benefits to real estate. For example, if you are a married couple in […]

What real estate agents should know about pot legalization

An out-of-state client is seeking a home that’s already set up for growing marijuana so that all he has to do is move in and get started. Meanwhile, a pregnant buyer is concerned about possible mold or contaminants resulting from growing pot indoors — so she also wants to know what houses have hosted a grow space, […]

Crazy Sh*t In Real Estate Episode 25: The case of the 40-plus showings

Reposted with permission — show notes and credits available here. If a property goes into the 40-plus showing mark, and it hasn’t sold — well, there’s probably something that isn’t right. Listen to this episode’s guest, Bunni Longwell, as she talks about her experience with such a dilemma and how she had to get it […]

When ‘love’ letters to the seller make (or break) a real estate deal

Kathleen Wilkin’s homeseller accepted the lowest of three offers. In a letter, the buyer who captured her client’s attention wrote of the need to move into a better school district to provide assistance for a special needs child. “The seller had also raised a special needs child, and wanted those buyers to have her home,” […]

Guard Llama lands $100K investment from ‘Shark Tank’s’ Barbara Corcoran

“Sharks, consider the guard llama. Docile, unassuming, non-threatening — at least at first glance,” Guard Llama co-founder Joe Parisi said before five of Shark Tank’s judges. “But when a predator approaches, this all changes. Llamas are known for charging predators head-on with deadly force.” Indeed, it’s not every day that real estate entrepreneurs walk onto a […]

Are Realtors making bank? NAR’s gross household income breakdown

Reposted from with permission from Rob Hahn. According to the 2016 National Association of Realtors (NAR) Member Profile, Realtors are making bank, yo! It kind of goes against what I’ve been hearing ever since I started in the real estate industry, so figured I’d discuss it with you all. Check this out: Now, according […]

Do you advertise on buses? What Scott Stratten (really) thinks about agent marketing

Scott Stratten’s got a beef with real estate agents. Actually, it’s not the agents themselves, it’s their marketing tactics. Stratten, who was named one of Forbes‘ Top 5 Social Media Influencers in the world and whose clients include the likes of PepsiCo and Saks Fifth Avenue, shared with us just what gets him so riled up when it comes to […]

What’s the new ‘geocoding tool’ that the CFPB mentioned in its mortgage rule update?

Last week, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) released a rather dry 150-page amendment proposal for Regulation C of the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA). However, buried within the proposal were some interesting clues surrounding a new geocoding tool that the CFPB is providing to help lenders identify a property’s census tract. What’s a census tract? Census tracts are […]

Sell quick or languish: Digging into luxury properties’ days on market

Concierge Auctions, the property marketplace for upscale buyers and sellers, has launched an annual index that reviews the top 10 properties in 27 of the country’s hottest markets and their time on the market. The Luxury Homes Days on Market Index and accompanying report were created to shed light on how time spent on the market affects upper-end […]

Indie broker hires goodwill ambassador to spread positivity

The Boutique Real Estate Group has added another person to its team, and it’s not another agent, marketing guru or office management whiz — instead, owner Raj Qsar opted to hire a “Goodwill Ambassador,” a person whose only job is to spread positivity wherever he goes. Raj Qsar The inspiration for this new position came from […]

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