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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

Facebook’s new chatbots are learning to negotiate

By Brian Blum; reposted with permission from AIM Group’s Classified Intelligence Report.  Chatbots on Facebook Marketplace may soon be able to “negotiate” with you over the price of items for sale. And if new research released by Facebook this week is any indication, you probably won’t know you’re talking to a bot and not a […]

A rookie agent shares what he’s learned so far

Robert Hughes, real estate salesperson with Meier Real Estate, quickly learned that real estate is anything but simple. It takes motivation, dedication and a lot of legwork to succeed in this industry. Know your inventory, take charge of your schedule and be confident enough to help clients differentiate their wants from their needs when helping them find […]

Will Alexa find your office’s next top producer?

Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe. launched it’s voice-activated job search app on Amazon’s Echo last August. The app, or “skill,” in Echo parlance, has received only four reviews on Amazon’s page so far, averaging 2.3 stars. Only four people have […]

When the market doesn’t want your home listing

You just converted a $1.2 million expired listing that was on the market for over a year. It’s an A-plus property in terms of quality, condition, amenities and schools, but there’s one major problem — it’s half Cape Cod and half contemporary. What steps would you take to get this property sold? What do you […]

6 ways to win business from millennial homebuyers

In this day and age, millennials not only dominate the category of first-time homebuyers but are surging ahead of baby boomers to claim the throne as U.S.’s dominant homebuying generation. They now account for one in every three homebuyers. Millennials — made up of U.S. residents born between 1980 and 1995 — are undoubtedly a […]

Why you need predictive analytics to thrive in 2017

Amazon’s surprise $13.7 billion acquisition of Whole Foods represents another significant growth notch in the Seattle tech behemoth’s belt. Its ever-expanding presence in our daily lives doesn’t just come from the smarts and aggressiveness of founder Jeff Bezos, but from predictive analytics, which fuels 35 percent of the purchases consumers make on, according to […]

Secrets of high-growth real estate teams

As we all know, the real estate industry is hyper-competitive. And because there are few better catalysts for innovation than competition, real estate is constantly blazing new ground. Real estate expansion teams — teams that do business in multiple markets — are one of the industry’s latest, and hottest, innovations. These teams are constantly striving […]

Contributing with Inman: How to become a leading voice in the industry

It’s the third year of our Inman contributor program, and we have grown and changed upon reader demand to continue to be the epicenter of real estate news and insightful discussion. We have listened to your feedback and adjusted our program to a mostly agent- and broker-centric perspective this past year. We’ve also created a […]

4 steps to content marketing that will grow your real estate business

So, you’re a real estate agent in today’s market. You have a website that’s supposed to help you get more clients. But no one’s visiting. Looking for a new way to get more people to your site and convert them into leads? Then you’re in the right place. How are you currently getting traffic to […]

Unfriended? 5 of the biggest blunders agents are making on Facebook

Did you know you could be killing your engagement with what you are sharing, posting or not posting? Make the most of your organic social media marketing with these key pointers. 1. Not sticking to the basics (think elementary school)  Realtor Houston Shelley said that her biggest pet peeve from other agents is the lack of […]

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