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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

How to grab your ideal clients with Facebook’s target audiences

There seems to be some misconceptions about what options advertisers (or agents) have for targeting their ideal audience on Facebook. Everyone seems to know about the basic targeting options: age, income, location, interests, behaviors, etc. Although these are pretty powerful targeting options, they often aren’t the most effective in terms of cost and lead generation. […]

How CEO Bob Goldberg plans to smash NAR’s ‘ivory tower facade’

The first thing that National Association of Realtors (NAR) CEO Bob Goldberg did upon addressing a crowd of association leaders at NAR’s Leadership Summit today is grab a guitar. “I’m going to let you in on a little secret,” said Chris Polychron, 2015 president of NAR, in introducing Goldberg to the stage and, naturally, handing […]

NAR pres-elect: ‘This ain’t your daddy’s association anymore’

“Oh my goodness … how did we get here?” National Association of Realtors (NAR) president-elect Elizabeth Mendenhall asked the 2018 Leadership Summit crowd today. Elizabeth Mendenhall “We’re here. There was some point in some time when someone came to you and said, ‘Do you want to serve in this position?’ And you said ‘yes.’ You […]

NAR warns of text message scam

The National Association of Realtors (NAR) has released a warning about a text message scam that asks members to pay a fine or sales tax on a prize. In the text asking for payment of a fine, the sender says NAR has been investigating “claims of racist text and emails sent by you,” and threatens […]

Folio Gmail extension for real estate adds feature to combat fraud

Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe. I bought a house last month. It was not fun. It was a high-pressure, sign-on-the-fly, crossed-finger affair that I hope no one has the displeasure of experiencing. Documents streamed on and off my iPhone screen like […]

9 ways homebuyers can improve their credit scores

The real estate business is booming, and with a scarce supply of starter homes on the market, competition between buyers is fierce. To get loans quickly, potential homebuyers need to keep an eye on their finances and credit. Below, you will find nine general tips that will help ease the process of acquiring a home […]

Facebook Live vs. Snapchat: Should you leave one for the other?

Are real estate agents turning away from Snapchat as Facebook continues to build on competitive features in its platforms like Facebook Live and Instagram Stories? The answer is undoubtedly: yes. And with good reason. Snapchat’s steady growth slowed by 82 percent after the launch of Instagram stories. And with features like broader audience access, live […]

Why it’s time to put a little soul back into real estate

In our real estate world where social media, glossy eight-page brochures and fancy videos are our primary tools to attract clients, I want to challenge you this season to add the element of soul to your business. The reason I’m focused on the “soul of real estate” is that truthfully speaking, I think our profession […]

10 things you should know about millennials to reach more prospects

It seems that the housing market is experiencing a major shift that is sure to impact the future of real estate for at least another 10 years. As of 2016, millennial first-time buyers have surpassed Gen Xers and baby boomers. Millennials, born between 1980-1998, make up the largest group of first-time homebuyers at 66 percent, followed […]

How to overcome real estate client objections with honesty

When dealing with clients, it’s common they’ll have concerns that can turn into roadblocks. As a real estate agent, it’s your job to figure out how to overcome those objections for a successful transaction. What’s the pullback method? What are good buzzwords and key phrases to use in objection handling? Below are a few strategies and […]

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