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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

3 ways playing tourist in your own backyard can increase business

As real estate agents, we take pride in our intimate knowledge of the markets we serve. We know the comps in the area and all the data to match, and we can tell you all about the local flavor — the best corner coffee shops, tricks to finding a good parking spot, the location of […]

How to get more ROI out of your marketing with evergreen content

Evergreen content is one of the most defensible forms of digital marketing available in the real estate industry. An upfront investment of time and creativity can pay dividends for years if it’s done properly. First of all, let’s define evergreen content. In the simplest form, evergreen content is content produced that doesn’t have an expiration […]

Pocket listing service aims to enhance agents’ value

One problem with pocket listings — for-sale properties held off the multiple listing service (MLS) — is their limited reach. Getting these homes on the radar of all agents who might have ready and willing buyers can be next to impossible. That’s why Beverly Hills, California Realtor Christopher Dyson has launched (The Pocket Listing […]

Why you should never, ever let buyers take possession before closing

Your buyers are about to close on a vacant house and must be out of their current property no later than the end of the month. There’s a delay that will push closing back to the third of the next month. What harm could come of letting the buyers take possession a few days early? […]

Top real estate web design trends making their mark on 2017

We’re officially more than halfway through the year. This is always a good time for companies with a website to stop and reflect on the web design trends that have come forth thus far, as well as which ones should be implemented moving forward. Before we get into trends specific to 2017, I feel it […]

Coughing up commission to save a deal: 6 things I learned

Your listing has been on the market for 60 days. Finally, you get an offer. The sellers aren’t thrilled, so they counter for $3,000 more. The buyers accept. Everyone is on pins and needles as you wait for the appraisal. Your heart sinks. The appraisal is a mere $3,000 lower than the accepted offer. What […]

6 factors that influence a home’s value

Trying to price a home accurately, whether you’re preparing to sell a house or you’re ready to make an offer on one, is challenging. Even if you’ve had experience in the real estate market, home prices can differ substantially from your initial evaluations. Effective home valuations make the home selling process faster and less stressful, […]

RealtyFlux: A compliant, easy way to generate seller leads via text message

Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe. RealtyFlux is text message marketing and lead response software. Platforms: Browser; mobile-optimized Ideal for: All agents, teams looking to augment lead response times Top selling points Intuitive admin tools Easy campaign creation and control Delivery of […]

Gary Gold: Too much of a good thing hurts your real estate business

If you’re a normal, even-keeled real estate agent, this video isn’t for you. However, if you are extreme in any way — creative, anal retentive, super organized, overly type A — take note. Reality check: Too much of a good thing is bad. It’s bad for you, and it’s bad for your business. I spent […]

HUD will fund $38 million to fight housing discrimination

How much money is the government willing to spend to fight housing discrimination? The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced that it would make $38 million available for different initiatives that fight housing discrimination. “The grants offered through three FHIP funding notices will support a variety of critical fair housing activities, including […]

August 2017
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