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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

The real estate industry locks horns

The real estate industry is butting heads in ways I have not witnessed in 25 years. This is a bighorn square off with some mighty young challengers entering the fray. Source: click here

Does dual agency have a future in real estate?

Dual agency has come under fire as of late, and because of its potential to create a conflict of interest, one western Canadian province banned the practice earlier this summer to protect consumers. Source: click here

Meet the Inman Innovator Finalists: Most Innovative Real Estate Technology

Every year, Inman celebrates the most innovative technologies emerging in real estate — the tools and products that are moving the industry into the future. This year’s finalists for the Inman Innovators Most Innovative Real Estate Technology category are coming up with new, different ideas to improve real estate every day. Many of them will […]

Bluehammer is real estate’s latest repair and renovation pricing tool

Bluehammer is a home maintenance and renovation pricing tool for consumers and real estate agents. Source: click here

How do interest rate increases really impact real estate decisions?

As this month brought word that the Federal Reserve had lifted the benchmark federal funds rate by a quarter of a percent, the doom-and-gloom scenarios began spinning in real estate offices across the country. If the real estate industry has benefitted from record low interest rates, then rising rates will depress the industry, right? Well, the […]

Podcast: How this top producing agent has built a steady flow of referrals

Patrick Gillis In this podcast, we’ll sit with a Canadian top producer, Patrick Gillis, to talk about how he drives his referral business as an agent. He’ll discuss how he has evolved as a real estate agent from when he first entered the real estate space in 1986 to now where he is extremely active with […]

Building a better bathtub: the pros and cons of 9 bathtub materials

Several years ago, we discussed some of the many options available when replacing a bathtub or a tub/shower combo. But what we didn’t look at, back then, were the many different material choices you have, and since that time I’ve gotten several questions from homeowners looking to change out their bathtub, all with a similar […]

Are we in a housing bubble? It depends on who you ask

Are we in a housing bubble? That’s a big question that’s constantly on the mind of everyone in the industry. One financial analyst thinks so, but real estate economists who spoke to Inman disagree. Source: click here

Connect the Sessions: Finding your sweet spot and building a brand that sticks

How can agents, tech companies and brokerages all move Faster, Better, Together? Learn how this July at Inman Connect San Francisco. Buy your ticket here, and remember that Select members get a $100 discount. Thinking of bringing your team? There are special onsite perks and discounts when you buy those tickets together too. Just contact us […]

Connect the Sessions: Starting from scratch in a new market — how I did it

How can agents, tech companies and brokerages all move Faster, Better, Together? Learn how this July at Inman Connect San Francisco. Buy your ticket here, and remember that Select members get a $100 discount. Thinking of bringing your team? There are special onsite perks and discounts when you buy those tickets together too. Just contact us […]

July 2018
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