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our goal is to help you stay informed by providing timely and interesting articles.

WATCH: Chelsea Peitz on why life in front of the camera is best for business

Listen in as Chelsea Peitz shares with the Inman Connect audience a new way of living and conducting business with one of the most powerful tools we have — our camera. Source: click here

Survey: What’s the key to buying and selling second homes and vacation homes?

It can be tough to own and maintain one home, but some homeowners are up for the challenge of adding another property (or two) to their portfolio, whether it’s for investment purposes or just having an extra place to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. So, how do you, the real estate agent, best […]

Newport Beach couple charged with $5.9M real estate fraud

Ronald Cedric Touchard | Photo courtesy Orange County DA A Newport Beach couple is facing money laundering and grand theft charges on allegations that they stole in excess of $5.9 million in a real estate fraud scheme, according to a news report in the Los Angeles Times. The couple pleaded not guilty on Thursday to […]

Product Hub Spotlight: Lead Generation

For over 20 years, Inman has connected agents, vendors and technology. Many of you have spent time in the vendor halls at Inman Connect. We’ve brought that popular concept online with Inman Product Hub. Every agent and broker knows how tough it is to find the time to evaluate and compare new technology. Inman Product Hub makes your […]

WATCH: How disinformation is screwing up your reality

Fake news. False reviews. Internet swarms. Trolls. With the seemingly endless slew of internet lies constantly swarming us, what can we do to keep our brand integrity in check? Source: click here

Selling a home where owners have passed away? Here’s how to handle

Selling a home after a loved one dies can seem like a challenging endeavor for the family left behind — but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some essential steps for selling a home after the previous owner passed away. Source: click here

Radius, an agent social network, raises $4M in Series A round

Radius, a social network and referral platform for agents, just raised $4 million from venture capital firm NFX and Trulia founder Pete Flint. Source: click here

How real estate pros are using Instagram’s new IGTV

IGTV is Instagram’s new long-form video social networking app that allows people to create videos that are up to 10-minutes long. Here’s how the pros are using it. Source: click here

The Real Word: Real estate agents — independent contractors or employees?

Byron Lazine and Nicole White wrap up their discussion on independent contractor status, and they’ll give us their opinion on the matter. Source: click here

The lion roared: my talk with Gary Keller

Brad Inman reflects on his interview of Gary Keller and why more CEOs need to step up and speak out about this transformational moment in the industry. Source: click here

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