Security is often a very high priority for homebuyers. Is the house in a good neighborhood? Do people feel safe there? With just a few safety upgrades, you can put the potential buyer’s mind at ease and quickly boost the saleability of the home. If you’re looking for ideas, the following three upgrades can really benefit you and your clients. 1. Security cameras A National Association of Home Builders survey found that 40 percent of homebuyers would like security cameras in their next house. Security cameras are a great way to create a feeling of safety in the home, and options are plentiful, so make sure you know the differences between them and the benefits each one has to offer. Some insurance companies give discounts on homeowner’s insurance if a security system is installed in the home (even up to 20 percent), and the more discounts you can show buyers, the better. Keep in mind that security cameras aren’t always perceived as a good thing — they may be a red flag …
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