A little over a week ago, Michigan real estate agent Lisa Kay VanderMeer eloped with her now-husband, Steve. In getting back to business, she’s grappling with a common question for many agents who change their last names after marriage or divorce: How should she market the new moniker? VanderMeer, formerly Lisa Kay Yonkus, didn’t want to keep the Yonkus name, which belongs to her ex-husband, so she asked for some advice from fellow real estate pros on Facebook earlier this year. Some fellow agents and brokers replied simply “Don’t change it!” or “Have him take your last name,” but neither option appealed to VanderMeer, who describes herself as “traditional.” There are several avenues for making the change a smooth transition, according to suggestions from industry pros, including leveraging the announcement to gin up business, separating business from personal so as to not lose brand momentum or finding new use for the oft-ignored middle name. 1. Hyphenate or tack o…
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