Have suggestions for products that you’d like to see reviewed by our real estate technology expert? Email Craig Rowe. My wife and I are scheduled to close on a house in a couple of weeks. While I trust our agent implicitly to have a handle on the process, I admit to not really knowing which end is up. She and her team use SkySlope, which has been great. It’s digital signature and email notifications have been easy and efficient. However, as a buyer inundated with documents, signatures, vendors and verifications, I would like a chance to experience Preclose, which uses a series of categorized workflows arranged by milestones to help agents and their buyers tap their way to a more organized closing. Launched last year as only an app, Preclose announced this week an integration with dotloop and a full-featured web app, which looks as good on the big screen as it does on mobile devices. The elegant, intuitive interface displays content in a series of dynamic lists and…
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