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What happened when I Connected: The art of collaboration


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Joseph Magsaysay is a husband, father and Realtor, and he does his fair share of traveling. Magsaysay tends to think of real estate past tangible-value and understands what it takes to call a house a home.

Here’s what he had to say about his experience at this year’s Inman Connect New York.

What was your favorite Inman Connect session, and why?

I have several favorite sessions. But three stood out the most; Simon Sinek’s, Chelsea Peitz’s and John Henry’s.

Simon Sinek was amazing. Huge shout out to Brad Inman for making this happen. The moment Simon said “Your why is the thing that makes you who you are. The reason why people love you” — that just gave me goosebumps.

I always say that relationships matter, and authenticity is what people want. What you see is what you get.

The fact that we had someone like Simon Sinek on the stage speaks volumes about Inman Connect. It’s not always all about technology. It’s about connecting with people. It’s all about relationships. It’s about being you.

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Of course, I also loved Chelsea Peitz’s camera-first branding. I followed her two months ago, and I was blown away by her amazing work. She is genuine, authentic and full of energy!

A lot of us thought that we have figured out social media. Then Chelsea Peitz was born! Her marketing game is strong. She uses social media in a very high level. She uses it the right way!

I love marketing and social media. This definitely made me learn a lot, and I’m very excited to implement all the knowledge that I have gained.

And John Henry’s very inspiring story is something to love and embrace. I could relate to his story. I was inspired. It hit me. Of course, when he said that “there’s riches in niches” — that just blew my mind away! This guy is a genius!

We’re not your typical real estate conference. How did this compare to others you’re used to?

Very good question! The vibe was different. The energy was different. The speakers were very diverse. This Connect had the vibe of world domination.

Domination in the sense that all the things that are happening right now in the world; whether it be about technology, real estate, politics, business [or] personal, it was all covered via the topics and speakers!

This I loved the most! It showed that Connect cares. That Connect is more than technology and real estate. It’s about connecting lives and making lives better.

Why making lives better, you ask? Because we learn from each and every amazing influencer. Their stories are game changers.

We experience through others. We all have our own stories. Share them! Learn from each other! Love one another!

What was the most meaningful thing you took away from your time at Connect?

That you can have all the technology in the world, but relationships will always be the closer of all closers. #relationshipsmatter #connectingmatters

Which session surprised you the most?

This is a no-brainer for me. Of course, Sally Kohn, CNN political commentator. She talked about “Why there is so much hate in the world, and what we can do to stop it.”

This session showed the world that Inman Connect is not only a real estate conference, but [it’s] the best real estate conference that is not afraid to tackle sensitive issues that are happening in the world right now! Kudos again to Brad Inman and team!

Besides the incredible speakers and informative sessions, what won you over?

One of my favorite experiences was meeting new Dutch friends! They were so friendly and very engaging. I have my CIPS designation, and we talked about how real estate works in their country.

Another favorite of mine was getting to know my fellow Ambassadors better. I will say this with my heart full. They are like family to me. We are one big happy family.

We had each other’s backs. We were united to help make Connect an amazing event! We learned so much from each other. I love my fellow Ambassadors!

Here’s another favorite! Meeting Chelsea Peitz! She was so approachable and accommodating. I met with her and told her how amazing she was! She’s the best!

Lastly, the highlight of my Connect week was when I [met] my new business partner, Ameeta Jain of Home Selfe RE. We connected instantly. Talked about her business and mine.

Then there was this light bulb! Now we are business partners! I truly love her passion and energy. Connect is about being connected to the right person. Ameeta and I connected perfectly!

Want to connect with Joseph Magsaysay? Find him on Facebook.

Source: click here

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