Ever feel as if you’re caught on a rollercoaster that just keeps going faster and faster while you get dizzier and dizzier? Well, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet! The real estate industry as we know it is coming to an end. No, I’m not talking about implosion or extinction, but revolutionary change beyond what we can even imagine today. For those of us who are able and willing to adapt, it’s going to be a wild and exciting ride. Just look at some of the things that are happening all around us: drones, self-driving cars and trucks, retail store scanners that automatically debit your account, Elon Musk’s Hyperloop — it’s absolutely mind-boggling trying to keep track of it all. Technology has disrupted so many industries already, such as newspapers, taxi drivers, hotels and manufacturing, just to name a handful. Real estate is one of the very few that have been left fairly untouched. Right now, things are operating the way they have been for a hundred years. That i…
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