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6 phases to real estate mastery


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This video is an awesome segment from last year’s Success Summit where I got super deep with an attendee who had the guts to stand up in front 6,000 Summit attendees and admit publicly, “I’m exhausted!”

“I’m in my third year in the business, and I’m exhausted!” she said.

Side note: this is very common, so she — and potentially the person reading this article — is not alone.

“I did 16 deals my first year, 29 deals the second and now I’m exhausted, not focused on bringing the business the way I know I should be, and can’t find the time to reprioritize,” she added. “Help!”

I shared six tips with her that day that have been proven to help agents get off the roller coaster of inconsistent business management, and now I’m sharing them with you here.

If you’re sick and tired of inconsistent business flow, speak with a Tom Ferry consultant to identify the gaps.

If you can relate to this woman’s predicament, I’ll tell you what I told her: “You’re not tired. You’ve got 60 percent more in you. Let’s do this together!”

So join me, and let’s move on to discussing my six tips to overcoming inconsistency in your business.

Roller coasters are fun in real life, but they’re the last thing you want in business. Real estate’s peaks and valleys take both an emotional and financial toll on you.

The first step toward solving this dilemma is becoming aware of the pattern. Then you can truly overcome it by applying the six phases of real estate mastery.

Let’s dive into them.

Phase 1: Make a declaration

The first phase is simply declaring what you want to achieve and committing to doing whatever it takes to get the results you want. Most people are only interested in achieving their goals, people who are interested fail.

The people who win are committed. And I get it, it’s not easy. But that’s what it takes to achieve mastery.

Here’s our smart goals worksheet, planner, life assessment form, business plan and real estate script to help you figure out what it is that you really want.

Phase 2: Execution

Now that you’ve figured out what you want, now it’s time to take action. Most people think you take action and results appear, but, my friend, I’m here to tell you something important: it takes time and the right mentorship.

It takes 90 days of disciplined execution to start seeing results. That’s why “executing with relentless discipline” is a company core value for me. Because I know that it takes a minimum of 90 days for true growth to begin.

Phase 3: Momentum

Momentum is the point when you start seeing growth in your business, and what most people do is take their foot of the gas. This is the worst thing you can do for your business. And that’s why I believe so much in the power of accountability.

Accountability means having someone who knows and cares about your goals, motivating and pushing you every step of the way to achieve the results you want.

Thirty days outside your cycle will send you back to feeling like a brand-new agent, starting out all over again. Do everything possible to avoid breakdowns and disasters.

Phase 4: Stabilization

This is when you truly overcome the crazy cycle of highs and lows. By stabilizing your business, your marketing and your follow-up starts to run seamlessly based on checklists and systems. If you have to think about everything that must get done, that’s when exhaustion appears.

Because I care about your success and health, grab my Million Dollar Checklist as a starting point to seamless business management

Phase 5: The Quantum Leap

After you’ve proved your ability to achieve the results you want consistently (for most that’s more money with less stress), at some point you’ll reach a new level of performance. That’s the quantum leap!

It’s important to note, however, that once you experience the quantum leap, you must step back and re-stabilize your business. If you don’t add additional systems, structure and organization, you will not be able to sustain the quantum leap and you’ll fall back to pre-leap levels.

Phase 6: Autopilot

When you have all your systems in place, you’ve delegated every task and have your team firing on all cylinders, you’ve reached the final phase of real estate mastery — where dollars and deals happen with or without you! Which is exactly how our coaching members operate – watch how Glennda Baker describes her experience.

If you are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed or just ready to take your business to the next level, we’d love to help. Our members earn 10X more than the average agent by following our proven system. Commit to 30 minutes with one of our consultants to find out what’s missing in your business.

Source: click here

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