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3 steps to unleashing the ultra-successful agent within you


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I see incredible potential in so many people, you included. You’re very smart and extremely driven. But you often have a big obstacle holding you back.

Namely, yourself! (If that hurt a bit, definitely keep reading.)

The secret to unleashing the extremely wealthy, uber-successful person inside of you is overcoming three destructive traits. Keep reading for my three steps to setting the ultra-successful agent locked within you free.

Download our Open House Mastery success bundle to start turning those “wasted Saturdays” into richly rewarding experiences.

3 traits preventing you from greatness

Having worked with real estate professionals for so long, I’ve identified three traits that consistently kill their potential. Do these sound familiar?

Fixed mindset. If you’re operating from a fixed mindset, you’re resistant to change. You’re stuck in your ways and full of excuses. Without a growth mindset, you’ll never grow. Perfectionists. If you’re paralyzed by perfectionism, you’re likely a control freak who refuses to take action until everything is perfect – which never happens. If this sounds scarily familiar, just take action. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Refine as you go, but always go first! Dabblers. If you’re a dabbler, you suffer from “shiny penny syndrome.” You adopt a new strategy seemingly every week, bouncing from one approach to the next always looking for that “magic bullet.” In the process, you never give any strategy enough time to actually gain traction.

So much wasted opportunity, all due to self-sabotage of one form or another.

If any of these descriptions sound like you, you’re in luck. I can help you break through! Below are three steps to put you on track.

Commit to one thing!

Remove all distractions, choose one discipline and commit to it.

It might be making 10 calls a day. It might be getting up early, going to the gym every day or eating better.

What you’re looking for is one action that can become the proverbial first domino that makes everything else automatic.

Start there, stick to your commitment and watch what happens.

Put your commitment out there

Changing your behavior is much easier when you have help from others rather than working alone. That’s why step two involves making promises and verbal commitments to people who will hold you to the one thing you committed to above.

It might be your parents, your kids, your friends, your manager, your coach. Give them permission to hold you accountable and “carefront” you if you stray off course. To make this even more effective, incentivize them to stay on you.

Create painful consequences

A great way to make sure you follow through on your commitment is to create massive painful consequences if you don’t.

A favorite of mine is to eat a can of cat food. Or send a “shame” email – or better yet, video – to everyone informing them that you failed to deliver on your commitment.

You can create a financial penalty to commit to paying people you’d never want to support: political parties, ex-spouse, former manager, etc.

Choose one and let it drive you to take your desired action.

Here’s the bottom line

Everything worthwhile takes longer than you want.

That incredibly wealthy, uber-successful person within you wants out. To let it out, identify the traits or tendencies holding you back and understand that you have to start somewhere. Pick one thing, and go!

Open House Mastery contains a guidebook on How to Host a Mega Open House, ready-to-use sign graphics and sign-in sheets, and more! Download it today!

Source: click here

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