Self-branding has become a part of all of our professional and personal lives. Like it or not, people will judge you based on your social media and internet accounts. This is especially important in the professional world, where a poorly managed profile could mean the downfall of your business. Before people buy a product or hire a company to provide them with a service, they will absolutely do a Google search. Creating a brand for yourself is, therefore, essential to the success of your business — especially as a real estate agent — and it requires time and attention to do well. Follow the tips below to establish a brand for yourself, and the result will be powerfully positive for your business. Have a USP Creating a unique selling proposition (USP) involves a bit of up-front work, but the long-term results are well worth it. Instead of just being another name on a long list of people your future client doesn’t know, your USP can help you stand out. When you are c…
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