What if you had your own personal assistant who could chat with prospective homebuyers or sellers on Facebook when you’re not at your computer? An assistant who could qualify a lead, find out exactly what they need and then pass on all of that information to you. That way, you could follow up with exactly what a lead is looking for. That would be pretty nice, right? It would probably save you a lot of time and back-and-forth with leads too. Well, believe it or not, you don’t need a personal assistant or a social media intern to do this. You can actually automate this process with a Facebook Messenger chatbot. What is a chatbot? The most basic chatbot is just a sequence of questions that are sent to someone depending on how they respond to each one. In other words, someone’s answer to each question will determine which question the chatbot asks next. The video above walks through a demo of a chatbot that I built for real estate agents. To get a better und…
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