The human brain can fully process an image in 13 milliseconds and identify approximately 100 million colors, which is one of the reasons why sellers and agents alike still rely on and trust human appraisers more than online valuations, like Zillow’s Zestimates and Redfin Estimate.But online valuations, listings and search tools are benefiting from computer vision, a quickly developing technology that mirrors the human brain’s knack for quickly and accurately processing images.In March 2015, RealScout founder and CEO Andrew Flachner talked about his company’s use of computer vision, saying that buyers don’t measure “home” in square feet. Instead, they focus on other elements of a home, such as a spacious backyard for their child to play in or an open floor plan that can adapt to changing needs.“Agents and brokers who effectively integrate these technologies will be able to better cater to their clients’ needs, and will naturally be in higher demand,” he said. Make fi…
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