Imagine you’re a brand-new real estate agent. You’ve passed your test, you’ve found your brokerage and you’re ready to get down to the business of selling houses. Now answer this question: Should you spend the bulk of your time cultivating relationships with people already in your network, or should you try to cast as wide a net as possible by buying leads and referrals that don’t come with a personal connection? There are more than just two ways to run a real estate business, of course, but this seems to be a conundrum that many agents face on a regular basis: Should I try to get a high quantity or volume of leads — or should I focus on cultivating fewer leads, but higher-quality and more well-qualified ones? What do consumers want from you? “At first consumers reached out to agents because they just wanted the information — they wanted to know that 123 Elm Street is for sale and how much is it,” noted Alyssa Hellman, head coach at Bamboo Realty. “Now they can find that inf…
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