Aaron Wittenstein sometimes cuts his commission by a quarter or more if a seller client brings an unrepresented buyer to the closing table.“The way that I look at it is they should be compensated as the buyer’s agent because they did their job,” said the White Plains, New York-based Realtor.Aaron WittensteinWittenstein doesn’t have to split his commission with a buyer’s agent in such deals. So even after discounting, he can walk away with 50 percent more than if the buyer had worked with a separate real estate agent.But some agents disapprove of this approach. They say a transaction involving an unrepresented buyer comes with extra work, meriting twice the pay of a normal deal (which they receive if they keep their rate intact).Other agents will agree to a discount, but only under certain conditions.When a seller procures an unrepresented buyer, the scenario usually plays out in one of two ways:In states where the arrangement is legal, the l…
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