The very first time I heard the expression “buyers are liars” was shortly after I started working as Realtor. I was annoyingly surprised that someone would actually say that. So cynical. Buyers aren’t liars, they just know what they like — or so I thought.Then I started working with buyers.One set of buyers told me emphatically, that they would only look at new construction. I showed them all the homes that were new construction within their price range.The challenge was finding the right house in the perfect location: most of things they could afford were on small lots or located near a busy street. Or the houses, themselves, were poorly constructed. They were discouraged and kept expecting me to miraculously find them that perfect new construction home.I finally convinced them to broaden their search. So we started over. I began showing them renovated homes. As I suspected, they fell in love with a 100-year-old house that had been updated and was in a terrific loc…
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