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Are rate hikes the Federal Reserve’s new normal?

Interest rates moved hardly at all this week, waiting for the big load of new economic data next week — the first week of each month always brings the most important stuff.Markets are also puzzling how to play the Fed’s insistence that more hikes are coming soon, and the administration’s descent into non-function.The Fed puzzle […] listing of the week: $10M estate on 600 acres in New Hampshire

The listing description calls this property “remarkable” — and we see a lot of listings, but we’d have to agree. And the listing photos use light and climate to showcase the home’s beauty, which is also remarkable, we think. Coot Farm is a 600-acre estate in New Hampshire that’s almost 15,000 square feet, each one […]

Victims of the slow transaction? How agents can get paid faster

Outdated and unaligned with the services it provides, the real estate industry’s payment model is slower than walking backwards from Boston to Montreal. Realtors invest hundreds and often thousands of dollars upfront to sell a home and toil an untold number of hours before seeing a paycheck.Historically, hefty commission rates and minimal marketing and business costs […]

New listings fall short in housing inventory drought’s 3rd year

February is a critical month, a time when the spring market is opening in warmer states and is just weeks away in the upper Midwest and New England.In a typical year, it’s a month when the best stagers are booked, painters are busy, landscapers are trimming hedges and sodding lawns of homes soon to be listed, […]

Logotype vs. logomark: What does your brand need?

Anyone who’s ever decided to undertake a branding project has likely been asked whether he or she is looking for a logomark or logotype. The majority of logos consist of letters — that is the logotype design — and a symbol or icon called a logomark. A logotype is essentially the name of a business […]

Census Bureau nixes LGBT identifiers — what’s that mean for homeowners?

Should the U.S. Census Bureau ask citizens about their sexual orientation and gender identity, or is that information best kept private?This question might seem simple, but it includes homeownership nuances that could influence our understanding of who buys houses in this country.Last week, the Census Bureau said that it would not include a question in […]

Daily market update: April 4, 2017

We’ll add more market news briefs throughout the day. Check back to read the latest. Most recent market news: Ten-X Residential Real Estate Nowcast March sales will fall between seasonally adjusted annual rates of 5.41 – 5.77 million with a targeted number of 5.59 million, up 2.0 percent from NAR’s reported February sales and up […]

Opendoor, Knock and OfferPad: Growth in new markets

Last December we conducted a wide-ranging analysis of Opendoor, the real estate startup that purchases homes directly from sellers. A look at of thousands of MLS records formed the basis of that piece, showing trends and extrapolating insights from the data.At the time there were a number of unanswered questions we wanted to dig into: […]

3 ways to build your social media following every day in real estate

Social media is not your soapbox. If you treat your social media accounts like you’re the only person who matters, it will be like starring on a mid-day soap opera — you’ll lose viewers. I get asked on the regular, “How do I increase my reach and grow my social media profiles?” The answer is […]

5 reasons robots will never replace a Realtor’s job

Whether it’s talk about the rise of machines or the simple influx of self-serve check-out lanes, there is no denying some people and professions are fearful of their jobs being lost to technology. So when I read Shelly Palmer’s “The 5 Jobs Robots Will Take Last” LinkedIn post, I found myself more relieved and happier than […]

April 2017
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