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What to expect when you’re Connecting: Happy hour spots near ICNY

After a full day of networking and learning at Inman Connect New York, there’s nothing quite like kicking back at happy hour to make new friends and cement your bonds with your established posse. When it’s time to belly up to the bar, if you’re not sure where to go, a few things should determine […]

What to expect when you’re Connecting: Where to eat lunch at ICNY

Lunching near Times Square can be a dream experience, but if you’re not sure where you’re going or what to expect, then that dream can turn into a bit of a nightmare — especially if you’re in a time crunch, hoping to get back to the hotel in plenty of time to snag a prime […]

What to expect when you’re Connecting: Breakfast at ICNY

Whether or not you believe that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you’re going to need some sustenance first thing in the morning when you’re learning, networking and connecting at Inman Connect New York. There’s nothing wrong with room service in the hotel, of course, but if you’d prefer a more authentic […]

What to expect when you’re Connecting: Where to eat dinner at ICNY

Dinner at Inman Connect New York is always an experience, whether you’re dining with friends you’ve known for years or establishing brand-new connections that will take your business to new heights in 2019. Whatever your goal, one thing is true for any dinner in New York: You want to find the best food at the […]

Home prices in November climbed nearly 6% year-over-year

U.S. home prices rose 0.4 percent from October to November and 5.8 percent year-over-year, according to the latest data from the Federal Housing Finance Agency’s (FHFA) home price index (HPI). Regionally, for the nine census divisions the HPI tracks, the Pacific – Hawaii, Alaska, Washington, Oregon and California – saw the biggest drop in adjusted price […]

8 home renovations that’ll annoy the neighbors

It’s natural for proud homeowners to want to upgrade their properties; however, some home renovation projects impact everyone in proximity to the home — and their home values, sellability and general mental state. Here are eight projects that’ll have the whole neighborhood shaking their heads. Source: click here

What agents should know about online reviews

Step back, and ask yourself: Do I have a plan for getting more reviews this year? There’s a good chance you don’t, but fear not, it’s never too late to get started building a base of reviews and leveraging them to get more business. Here’s how. Source: click here

Daren Blomquist jumps to from Attom Data Solutions

Daren Blomquist, a widely cited real estate expert, has taken a new job at as the foreclosure marketplace’s vice president of market economics, it was announced Wednesday. Daren Blomquist Blomquist joins from Attom Data Solutions, where he served as the real estate analytics firm’s vice president of communications. The industry vet forged a reputation during […]

ReferralExchange will now qualify your third-party leads

ReferralExchange is launching a program called ReferralExchange LIVE to verify and qualify contacts obtained through third-party lead generation platforms like Zillow or Source: click here

StreetEasy launches agent app, updates listing input process

StreetEasy, a listing portal from Zillow Group, is aiming to ease the input and management of listings with a new agent app and updated program. Source: click here

January 2019
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