Your responsibility includes securing the most advantageous price possible for your client. Causal counter offers may get the deal to close, but are they really getting your client’s the best possible price? Reframe the transactional task of the counter offer, see it for all it can be, discover its power — make it a valuation dispute. To crank out high production numbers, we rely on tools that expedite the sales process. An MLS’s organic CMA system coupled with a little knowledge of the market means you just grab the obvious comparables, pop in the commonly accepted value adjustments — and presto, you’re ready for the negotiation phase of the deal, right? Well, not exactly. Using a generic process to create a CMA to negotiate with doesn’t add up to counter offers that compel the other parties to adjust their perspective and ultimately their price point. A property with strong comps offers you less room to make a case for price adjustments. That doesn’t ch…
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