I was reading an article the other day that led with: “Millions of workers around the world are at risk of losing their jobs to robots or AI (artificial intelligence), but it’s Americans who should be particularly worried.” At first, I didn’t pay much attention to the daunting statement because my area of expertise is real estate, not retail or production. And last I checked, my two metal hips haven’t added a single contribution to the closing of any deal. However, the threat of AI and job security peaked my curiosity when the article informed me that, 38 percent of U.S. jobs are at high risk of being replaced by technology such as robots and AI, according to a new report by PwC. I must confess, I have never thought of myself as a rocket scientist, that’s why I never imagined that a robot or AI could take my place in selling homes in my local market. That is until now, and here is why I’ve changed my opinion. If you look at our industry through a traditional l…
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