Did you know you could be killing your engagement with what you are sharing, posting or not posting? Make the most of your organic social media marketing with these key pointers. 1. Not sticking to the basics (think elementary school) Realtor Houston Shelley said that her biggest pet peeve from other agents is the lack of grammar and punctuation from those in the industry. Shelley notes, “Realtors who use sale when they should use sell — nails on the chalkboard for me!” When it comes to marketing what is potentially the largest investment your seller has, do your clients a favor and ensure that your grammar is up to snuff. 2. The dreaded add-and-spam Have some tact when strategically adding and upping your follower count. People love to support those they believe in and know regardless of the industry. Adding someone as a friend and immediately asking them to like your business page is the same as walking onto a car lot and being handed a contract on a car yo…
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